Practice Chp 6



"Here this place is good enough," I tell Gohan and Trunks as we go down next to a river

"You said that this training will Improve our control over Super Saiyan but how do you know of it?" Gohan asks in his Super Saiyan form

"Goku's memories, before he got sick he had thoughts about Super Saiyan and if there was something more to it, Goku would practice his Super Saiyan form away from Chi-chi as she is not particularly fond of our golden hair," I tell Gohan as Goku did not actually believe that Super Saiyan was the limit and would practice staying in Super Saiyan for a while when he was away from home so that Chi-chi wouldn't see it

"Some of the benefits became obvious to him. The more he stayed in Super Saiyan the easier it became to keep ahold of it, and it even began to decrease the drain of energy considerably," I tell him some of the benefits of staying in the transformation to get used to it better

A flicker of sadness flashes across Gohan's eyes as he most likely thinks about Goku

"What will you be doing?" he asks as he tries out some movements to test himself

"I will be working on my Ki control," I answer him with a grimace on my face

I need to get a better grasp on my own power

"Also, I need to get my body ready for Super Saiyan," I tell him deciding in a very brief moment to tell Gohan of my present situation

"What do you mean?" He asks curiously

"My body itself cannot truly handle the strain from Super Saiyan at the moment. Don't get me wrong I can still transform, but the backlash of the transformation would knock me out for days if I held it for longer than a few moments and even when I wake up, I would have to spend some time recovering from it," I explain as best I can

"Oh, right, I remember when I first transformed, I was really tired and when I got somewhere safe, I slept longer than I normally do," Gohan says

"Yup, both Goku and Vegeta went through something similar," I tell him as weird as it was, Super Saiyan can and will have effects after the first transformation

Something that helped Goku was his training on the way to Namek

Vegeta's first transformation was much more...intense

Given that he was already significantly injured he barely held the transformation for less than 3 minutes

"Wouldn't you also need to train your body as well," Gohan points, and I let out a small smile at that

"Yes, and that leads me to a request of mine.? Would Bulma still have the ship that Vegeta asked her father to make and include a gravity machine? if yes, the three of us could make use of it," I tell Gohan my plan

He blinks at that

"I am...not sure if she does, but it won't hurt to ask her," He says with a hopeful look

Training under increased gravity did wonders for Goku's physical capabilities

It would definitely help us get stronger


"We should go back to our safe houses," I tell Gohan and Trunks who stopped at the same time I finished practicing my Ki control

"It's already dark, while we need to train for the androids, we also need to be careful about our injuries, we also need to take into account the dwindling amount of doctors and medical supplies," I tell them as they both freeze and Trunks nods grimly while Gohan frowns

Being reminded that doctors and medical supplies are disappearing is a bit disheartening

"We have to do our best to avoid receiving injuries that can hinder our training," I say before smirking a bit at the fact that the androids cannot sense power levels something that Gohan notices

"What's with that look on your face?" He asks with an eyebrow raised

"I am just happy that Bulma said that the Androids cannot sense power levels," I answer him while we do have to be prepared just in case we find one another, we still have to be very careful

"Goodbye," I tell them both as they both head on over to their safe house, while I begin making my way over to the lab and spend some time working on improving my Ki control through the small amount of information that I have for Spirit Control

How I wish I could go to Yardrat at this moment

Not only to train but also to enjoy the sight of another planet with my own 2 eyes

I let out a sigh as I begin making my way over there

An idea passes through my mind

Biting my lip, I wonder if I should invite Gohan, Trunks, and possibly Bulma over to take a look at the lab, which doesn't really seem like a bad idea, Bulma would definitely be able to make use of the technology in it...


"Damn it," I say as I finish going over the blueprints for 17 and 18

Nothing about how the changes were done to them or anything so I can't make any significant progress on coming up with a way to make myself into one

I bet that information is probably in Gero's lab

I turn to the side as Gohan and Trunks finally come back from training

I blink as I see Gohan's golden hair and notice that Trunks is the one who opened the door

"How did it go?" I ask them

Gohan sighs while rubbing his eyes

"Well, Vegito has given me a lot to think about Super Saiyan..." He stops as Trunks comes over to give me a hug after closing the door

"He helped me improve my control over Ki and while I am not sure of it myself Gohan said that I did make progress," Trunks says

"One thing is certain, he is going to be of immense help dealing with the androids," Gohan picks up after that

"What about Super Saiyan?" I ask him as that is stuck in my mind

"Vegito said that he has memories of my father and Vegeta. He told me that my father believed that there might be a level beyond Super Saiyan," He says as I smile a bit at that

Of course, Goku would believe that and very possibly be right

A wave of sadness comes over me as the same feeling comes over

Ever since most of the planet's defenders died, I held the belief that everything would have turned out alright if Goku hadn't died

Even if a certain voice in my head keeps telling me that everything will remain the same, I can't give up hope that we might change things

My mind then drifts over to the progress of the time machine

Something that I have struggled with for years now...

In fact, turning myself into an Android so that I can help them myself seems way easier

"Hey Bulma," Gohan calls out to me as I focus back on him

"Sorry, I was..." I stop as he lets out a smile

"I know," he says

"Vegito asked if you wouldn't happen to have the ship that Vegeta took when he went to look for my father in space," He says and I blink at that as I do in fact remember that ship

Goku used a similar one when he went to Namek...

"I don't have it...but I know where it is...