Dangerous Risk Chp 8


(So, that's them) I think to myself as I use Ki to help me see the androids attacking the city closest to the lab

Well...one that is at least not in ruins


Through Vegeta's memories, I have seen some of the worst scum this universe has to offer

Looking at the Androids right now

I can add them to that list

I watch as 17 kills a child in front of her parents while smiling at the parents screams

18 approaches the child's corpse and steps on the little girl's head as if it wasn't even there

The child's parents scream in despair as they hug each other in fear

I do nothing but watch knowing that if I tried anything they would toy around with me until they got bored

18 smiling gets closer to the couple as she grabs the mother's head and rips it off while the man lets out a shriek of despair and hopelessness

18 rolls her eyes grabs the man by the throat and slowly kills him by strangling him

She stops for a moment before she smiles wickedly and grabs one of the man's teeth pulling it out as he struggles to breathe

She lets out a laugh of joy as 17 praises her creativity

She slowly pulls out each and every single one of the man's teeth until only his tongue is left

Smiling she grabs his tongue while squeezing his throat harder

She yanks it out as the man's eyes roll to the back of his head

She then snaps the man's throat with a smile

Letting out a sigh, I watch as they both decide that they are bored and leave the ruins of the city

My eyes snap to the ground as I hear something

"Blood," I whisper as I look at my fists now covered in blood

Blood falls from my closed fists as anger comes over me but I force it down

I sigh as I look at my hands

I clenched them hard enough to draw blood

I turn to see 17 and 18 leaving the city

I let out another breath as I calm down

I can't let this go on

I just can't...


"This one goes up to 300 times Earth's gravity?" Trunks while reading some of the instructions that Bulma wrote for us in order to use the Gravity Machine on this ship

"Yes," I answer as a weird type of nostalgia washes over me as flashes of being on this ship come to my mind

Despite never even stepping foot on this place myself

"Let's get started with 10 times Earth's gravity," I say while approaching the machine and setting up the controls

A few sounds begin to come from the machine as the gravity fluctuates and eventually

"Oof," I say taken aback at how everything feels

Gohan falls to his hands and knees while Trunks falls on his face

I fall on one knee as I grunt at the difference in gravity before a smile comes to my face

This will work

Slowly, I begin to move into position

I slowly begin to move one foot then the other

With tremendous struggle, I complete a single lap around the ship

Yet, that single lap forced me to my limits already

Breathing heavily, I listen as Gohan completes a lap a few minutes after me while Trunks is on the floor halfway done

I close my eyes as I remember feeling so useless when the androids slaughtered that family

I didn't intervene because I am too weak

I would have died if I had tried anything


I force myself to get a move on

Lying on the floor whining won't fix anything

I stand up while growling

I force myself to complete another lap

Then another...and another

Eventually, I began to get used to the enhanced gravity

After some time Gohan turns off the gravity and we all fall to the ground exhausted

I pant as I sit up and glare at my hands

"More...we need more time..." I whisper as I begin to circulate my Ki across my body

I frown as I think of a place where we might have some more time

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber

In there the 3 of us would have enough time to train at our peak

But...from what I remember...only 2 people could enter at a time

Also, I am not sure if the Lookout still exists or not

I glance around at Gohan and Trunks

While I am sure that if I were to tell them about it

They would be the first ones to go in and quite frankly, I am not sure if I can trust them with that yet

"How do you 2 feel?" I ask them as they both stand shakily

"Exhausted," Trunks says while Gohan looks at me before sighing and agreeing with Trunks

"I am too, we should get something to eat," I suggest as I resolve myself to find the Lookout later


"This is where Korin's tower was," I say incredibly disappointed and frustrated that Senzu Beans are no longer an option

Looking around there doesn't really seem to be any debris from the Lookout

Just pieces from Korin's tower

I begin to fly upward and even when I reach the end of the atmosphere, I find no trace of the lookout

Desperation comes over me until I catch something on the corner of my eye

"There it is...but why is it..." I stop as I remember one crucial detail

The Lookout moves across the Earth without being held by the power pole and connecting it to Korin's tower

I fly over to it as fast as I can and I catch movement from the lookout and I hold back the urge to smile

"He's alive," I say with joy

I slow down as I reach the Lookout and Mr. Popo comes out to greet me

"Hello," I say first trying to think of a way to introduce myself

"I am..." I start to say my name but he raises my hand

"I am aware of who you are, even though I may be just a caretaker, I keep watch over this place," He cuts me off but I don't pay it any mind as a huge weight seems to have been taken off my shoulders

"I am here about the Time Chamber," I declare to him

He simply stares at me without blinking

"Right, you possess Goku's memories, it makes sense you know of its existence. But that means you also know that Goku did not last long in there. Although, you have been training with Gohan and Trunks...the last defenders of this world, if they have decided to place a measure of trust in you, then I shall put my faith in them," He says while looking at me with an expression that told me exactly what will happen if I don't follow what is going to say to the letter

"I warn you now, I shall not allow you to enter the Time Chamber alone. The chances of you going mad due to being alone in there are high. I also don't trust you, if you must go in for this evil to stop, then Gohan shall be the one to accompany you inside," He says to which I happily agree

"Alright," I say with joy in my voice...