Distraction Chp 20


"So, I told my mother about you," Gohan says while sipping on some water from a bottle that I gave him

"Well...that's one way to start a conversation," I say after a bit

"Why would you tell your mother about me?" I ask him

"Oh, when we started talking, I mentioned how you showed up one day explaining who you are and I am not going to lie. My mom went ballistic when she heard about where you came from," He says frowning at that

"She went off on me when I talked about the Time Chamber and the training we did,"

"She said anything specific?" I ask him 

"Well...she talked about how stupid it was of me to go in there alone with you but considering that it was one of Mr. Popo's requirements for you to go in, she let it go...eventually," He says while rubbing the back of his neck

"From Goku's memories, I have a pretty good idea of what she might have said," I tell him while looking over to Trunks who is outside the ship teaching Bulma how to reinforce objects with Ki

Glancing at his sword, I think about getting one for myself if nothing else, I want something to slice my food faster and easier

Dinasour meat is really tender, juicy, and rather easy to cook but a pain to clean up

Turning back to Gohan, I watch as he stands up with some struggle again as we just turned off the gravity machine on the ship

I move to get up myself and groan as my muscles scream in protest due to what I put them through

Gohan and I have finished training with 120 times Earth's Gravity on the ship and oh boy, it was another ballgame altogether

Quite an achievement if I do say so myself...

"We are almost out of fuel," Gohan notes as I let out a sigh at that

"Right now we have about an hour of training under 40 times Earth's Gravity," He notes while frowning

"Even less if we increase the gravity," I say sighing

"At least, we can help Bulma get used to increased gravity," I note

"Maybe at least 10 times to ease her into it...before we run out of fuel," I finish as I open the door outside

"I need a shower," I say to myself as I leave the ship with Gohan following close behind

"How was it training in such gravity?" Bulma asks

"It was intense, at one point I felt like my muscles would have been ripped from my bones,"

"He is exaggerating..."

"No, I am not, you are just more used to training with increased gravity then me," Gohan retorts, and I concede to that as its true

I am used to dealing with the higher gravity

I have been training at 85 times and from what I remember Gohan took a break at around 60 times Earth Gravity

"Hey, umm mom and I were talking about something," I hear Trunks say as he rubs the back of his neck

"I-we we wondering if the 2 of you would like to come over for dinner?" He asks and I think about it for a moment before shrugging

"I am down for it," I answer plainly

"I am sorry but I can't go. I promised my mom, I would come over for dinner," Gohan declines

"Oh," Trunks responds at that

"Wait your mom, you finally saw her again?" He asks once its sinks in

"Yeah, she's doing fine," Gohan answers with a smile...


"So Vegito..." Bulma tries to start a conversation as I enter he home

"What do you plan on doing after the rebuilding is done?" She asks me

"I don't really know, I mean...I was going to ask for a ship as I wanted to go and see the universe with my own 2 eyes," I answer

"You...want to see the universe?" She asks me

"Yeah, while I do have Vegeta's memories of different planets, they are anything but pleasant," I say frowning at that

"Oh, I take it there is a lot of...murdering involved," She says unsure of how to phrase it

"Try massive genocides," I say with a frown at the memories of Vegeta laughing as he slaughters millions of beings at a time

"How come no one ever stopped Frieza and his army?" Bulma asks after a while as I sit down on a chair in the dining room

"I am not exactly sure, not a lot of people were strong enough to stand against him or his family. In fact, I don't think there even was anyone strong enough to face them until we came along," I answer after thinking about it for a bit while making sure I don't mention Beerus

"If any race started getting too strong or was strong enough to call for Frieza or any member of his family to deal with them, they usually just confronted the person while the army went on to attack the planet and in some cases even destroy the planet's core themselves before Frieza or his family left, as the planet exploded," I say going through those memories

Surprisingly there were some people strong enough to force Frieza to fight and while I am not sure if Frieza ever had to transform to use more of his power

The mere fact that there are people out there strong enough to force Frieza to actually get up from his chair is already a feat on its own

Too bad that I can only recall 2 instances of something like that happening

"How powerful was Frieza's family?" Bulma asks me as Trunks enters the room

"Powerful enough to rule most of the universe, although, I am not sure of it though," I say remembering something

"Oh right, the Galactic King," I say remembering him

"Who?" Bulma asks as she gets a look that tells me that she has at least heard of him

"The Galactic King is the one who runs the Galactic Patrol and he managed to keep Frieza and his family away from the places that the Galactic Patrol has control over,"

"But, even then I am sure that Frieza and his family would have killed him if they worked together but from what I am able to piece together is that the Galactic Patrol would have made sure it was a meaningless victory if anything," I say grimacing at that

"What do you mean by that? Oh, I also have other questions but the way you said it...what would they do if the Galactic King was killed?" She asks seeing the look on my face

"Every planet under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Patrol would be...destroyed," I say at last

"WHAT!!!" Both Bulma and Trunks scream out

"Yeah, as I said they would make sure that the victory was a meaningless one," I repeat at that

Knowing the differences in how planets were treated under Frieza's rule, depending on how they came to be under him, vary widely

Some enjoy a whole lot of benefits

Others...not so much

I know that even the cores of planets were mined out by the planet's Indigenous people...

"Enough of that, I thought this dinner was mean to work as a distraction from working so hard. Come on let's eat," Trunks chuckles as he does his best to move on from the topic which I agree too