"Enough! Stop screaming like a banshee. On second thought, since she wants to scream, let her scream in her loudest voice and feel the heat properly." The arrogant young master ordered.

At once, his men moved and a branding iron was brought out from the coal. Anthony's heart skipped multiple beats as he watched the guard/ golden sun sect disciple walk towards the woman while holding the blazing iron. {The emotions Anthony was currently feeling is more of what the ghost that invaded his mind felt at that moment, so the ghost should be someone very close to the woman, and was also watching as the incident happened}

The guard placed the hot end of the branding iron on the woman's delicate stomach, making her loud screams echo for miles on end, while the other blood tribe captives began to whimper and sob. The young master laughed loudly, alongside most of his counterparts as they listened to the woman scream and cry.