He scrubbed down his body still smiling, till his hand got to his crotch. He stiffened and his eyes went wide with embarrassment. He was spotting a pretty big boner, and the veins were nearly popping. Anthony couldn't believe his eyes, for the first time in a long time, he got an erection, shocking him. He had the feeling but didn't give it much thought because it never occured to him that the feeling down there could be that.

"What? Could it be that the nonsense Lan Xuanyu and Hua Cheng were doing in there turned me on? Impossible. But I'm straight." He whispered in horror, refusing to acknowledge it. Even Ava couldn't turn him on despite all her beauty. That part of him seemed to have died after his ex wife's betrayal. Yet, it was standing again after being verbally teased by Lan Xuanyu, terrifying him. This was definitely unacceptable. He can't be turning like those two elder brothers of his, could he?