The Sealed Letter

The unnamed club room was quiet, saved by the soft rustling of Uxie's leafy scales. The green little creature nuzzled against my shoulder. I stroked its head absentmindedly. However... My mind raced with the possibilities of what I had just experienced.

I turned to Ren. "Ren... Didn't you hear it speak?" My voice was steady, but I felt a mix of unease and curiosity inside.

"Huh...?" Ren blinked, clearly confused. "Hear what? Who speaks?" he replied, scratching the back of his head.

I frowned and glanced down at Uxie, who had been calling me 'Mama' moments earlier in my head. "How could I hear him talk to me? Wait..." I trailed off, piecing the puzzle together. My eyes darted toward Uxie's serene gaze. "I could hear his mother's voice before too."