What You Want

Daphne Greengrass stood at perfect attention. Her blue eyes darted over the hallway, drinking in Harry, Pansy, and the clothes spread around them. Still naked and dirtied, Harry quirked an eyebrow.

"Ms. Greengrass," he said. "How can I help you this evening?"

Daphne did not move, nor speak, for long enough that Harry was the one to fill the silence.

"Do you make a habit of peeping on the private affairs of others?"

"Do you make a habit of rutting in hallways like a wild beast?" Daphne said back.

"No. But I make exceptions."

Harry walked forward, although it took him quite a while to reach her, owing to his limping gate. Daphne didn't flee… but her expression hinted that she might've wished to.

"I always had the impression that you did not like me," Harry said as he approached. "You were so catty, nagging me at any opportunity, and that pretty face never does a good job hiding your disdain."

Daphne lifted her chin. "Have I upset your feelings?"

"Not in the slightest. I don't allow the feelings of distant acquaintances to color my mood. But it did make this quite surprising."

Harry punctuated his sentence with his hand, which shot out, latching onto Daphne's crotch. Daphne's eyes widened, and she puffed air out from her nostrils. Harry squeezed— and even through the layers of her dress robes, he could feel how soaked she was.

"What's all this?" he asked. "Disdain?"

"Fuck you, Potter," Daphne snapped.

Harry shifted his hand without letting go. He lined up his middle finger, carefully, and dragged it along her slit, parsing Daphne's entrance beneath her clothes. Daphne's spine went straighter than a wand. Her breathing was shallow as she glared at Harry through partially-shut eyes.

"I could smell it even around the corner," Harry said, continuing to rub her. "You stank up the entire hall with your pungent arousal. Pansy didn't reek this badly even when I was on top of her."

"Do you just want to compare me to your girlfriend, Potter?"

"Pansy's not my girlfriend. But I do believe you could learn something from her."

Harry grabbed the back of Daphne's dress robes, pushing her head-first against the wall, making her cry out. He only released her crotch for a moment, grabbing the witch again from behind less than a second later.

"When Pansy wants something, she says as much," Harry said. "Sometimes she is too honest. But because of that, she gets what she's after. You, on the other hand, Ms. Greengrass, leave it to others to figure out what you want, hoping all the while that they'll give it to you on their own. That isn't wise."

"Let go of me!" Daphne grunted, one pouty cheek flattened against the wall.

Harry stepped back. He released her, put multiple steps between them, and made no effort to close the distance. Daphne's face, full of vitriol, slowly grew confused. Despite nothing keeping her there, she remained pressed against the wall, her shapely backside sticking out.

Harry crossed his arms. He watched her closely, while she stood still and waited. Finally, he said, "Well?"

"You stopped," Daphne said.

"You told me to."


Daphne did not utter more than that single syllable, and she still had not moved, so Harry sighed. He turned away, limping down the hall one slow step at a time.

"Pansy will want a second round," he said. "I don't have time to deal with passive bystanders. Begone."

"No!" cried Daphne.

Harry stopped. Pansy stirred feebly, but did not wake. Slowly, Harry faced the blond again. He didn't speak, but the question was plain across his face.

Daphne was staring at the floor. She had straightened herself, finally, with her fists clenched onto the front of her dress robes. "It… I…" she began haltingly.


"I want you," Daphne whispered.


"I want you."


"Damn it, Potter! Am I just a plaything?"

"Yes," Harry said. "After all… that's what you want, isn't it? Admit it. Speak your desire."

Something in Daphne's expression broke. She marched toward him as if picking a fight, arms swinging at her sides, and leaned in until her face was close enough for Harry to feel her breath. She grabbed his collar, yanking it forward, and although she only succeeded in stretching his robes rather than drawing his face down to her level, the gesture was still felt.

"I want you," Daphne admitted, distaste thick in her voice. "I want to feel your stupid, defined muscles. I want to taste your smarmy damn mouth. And I want to feel that giant, stinking, lowly cock."

"And why should I give you those things?" Harry asked.

Daphne laughed.

"Do you know how many families are chasing me? How many boys throw themselves on their knees for a moment of my time?"

"No. And I do not care, either."

"You should. You may have had Parkinson, but you'll find that a tramp like her has nothing on me."

Daphne's cruel smirk was displaced in an instant as Harry grabbed her shoulders, spinning her away from him. He grabbed her chin, lifting it, while his other hand grasped her sopping pussy once more.

"I'll be the judge of that," he said.

Daphne spat at him. He jerked his head to the side, letting her saliva fly past before kissing her from above, jamming his tongue into her mouth before she had time to close it.

He was not gentle, because that was not what Daphne wanted nor deserved. His tongue plunged down, exploring freely. His fingers scraped against her robes again. His hand released Daphne's chin, reaching down so he could grab the fabric of her robes with both hands. In one burst of strength, he tore them open at the crotch. 

Without a barrier his fingers easily dug past her panties, plunging side her. Daphne's soft body went stiff as he pinched her clit, playing with the sensitive bundle of nerves.

The elder Greengrass tried to take initiative with her tongue, attempting to push it past Harry's and into his mouth, but this failed as he trapped her tongue against her lower lip. His tongue and his fingers synced up with one another, raking her crotch and mouth in coordinated attacks.

Harry walked forward, pushing Daphne by clapping his hips against her ass. He felt the soft, globe-like flesh ripple under her robes each time he struck it. She stumbled ahead of his slow steps, her mouth and womanhood full, until she collided with the wall, pressed against it the way she had been at the start. 

Their kiss ended, although Harry's fingers still worked. Breathing heavily, Daphne found it in herself to smirk at him.

"Enjoying yourself, Potter? Don't bother lying. I could feel that meat stick every step of the way. Might as well… just…. give it to me already!"

Her sentence elongated at the end as she shuddered. Harry felt her wet, tight skin tremor around his fingers, which were embedded in her up to the knuckle. He heard her whimper. He could smell what was coming— a tangy flood ready to erupt between her legs.

At the final moment, he pulled his fingers out.

Daphne gasped at the sudden absence, then again as the orgasm that had been so unbelievably close started to recede. She reached for her own pussy with both hands, desperate to pick up the slack. Harry caught her wrists and stopped them.

He leaned in, his bare body pressed against her back, sandwiching her to the wall. His cock rubbed her lower back, something he knew she could feel through her robes. His chest pushed against her lean shoulder blades, while his lips brushed her ear.

"You do not get to cum so easily," he said. "That is a prize, not a right, and it must be earned."

Daphne swallowed. "How?"

"Turn around."

The pureblood witch did as commanded, squirming in order to pull it off in the narrow gap between Harry and the wall. She was forced to rub against his body the entire way, feeling those muscles she lusted after, his cock still stiff against her. She reached for it, attempting to take his stiff shaft in her hands, but Harry caught her again and denied this too.

"No hands."

Frowning angrily, Daphne slid slowly down until she landed on her knees.

Harry still held her wrists, which were now above her head. Daphne's blue eyes glared up at him. Without losing her angry look, she gave his cock a series of licks, coming at it from different angles. Finally, she spread her puffy lips and took him in her mouth.

Harry looked down dispassionately while she worked. Daphne Greengrass was an exceptionally beautiful witch. She had the same features as her sister— a symmetrical heart-shaped face, large eyes, a small nose, and full lips. In other words, she had a face perfect to be a pureblood bride, ready to host balls and make every female attendee feel inadequate without trying. Harry believed her about her many suitors. But it was not only her face which boys chased her for.

Where Astoria was willowy, her sister was more visibly mature, with extra flesh on her frame. Daphne's cheeks were fuller, her eyebrows thicker, and her body a different kind of skinny. While she plunged down Harry's cock he could feel her large breasts pushing against his thighs, nipples stiff beneath her robes. Her ass was soft and shapely, more than padded enough to cushion the collisions Harry put it through earlier.

Perhaps the worst trait of all, Daphne was fiercely intelligent. Usually that was something positive, but in Daphne it served only to make sure she knew exactly what a bombshell she was. Her ego had been enormous since the first time Harry met her, matched only by her capability to disdain those she deemed as beneath her.

Slightly ironic, considering her current position.

Harry did not move an inch while Daphne sucked harshly at him. He remained standing, holding her hands where they had been since the start, content to watch. This was Daphne's task; and, on some level, that thrilled her.

She had less of a gag reflex than Pansy, Harry noticed absently. Perhaps the blond had not been all talk. Quiet, almost inaudible slurping sounds filled the hallway. Daphne had already peeled off the residue left by Pansy's dark lipstick, replacing it with her own cherry-colored marks.

Although he did not aid her, Harry did not hold back either. He allowed pleasure to take him as it came, unrepressed. When Daphne gave a final forceful suck, pulling her head from the base of his cock up to his slit with her lips tightly suctioned, he came.

The orgasm was so thick that none would have guessed he'd cum twice already that night. Daphne's eyes widened as her mouth filled rapidly. Harry watched her work through her surprise, visibly deciding what to do. Without a single word from him, she chose to swallow, her throat bulging.

"Good," said Harry, releasing her hands.

Daphne wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, clearing away excess spit. She looked sullen, but she couldn't hide the spark in her eyes. Her hands were trembling. She was excited. She wanted desperately to know what came next.

Harry knelt in front of her, holding eye contact. He grabbed the hole he had made in her robes, pulling each side until the fabric tore vertically, revealing her pale stomach inch-by-inch. The robes opened completely, separating over her breasts and fraying down to the hem. When they were completely torn down the front, Daphne held her arms out, slipping out of the remnants. Still staring into her eyes, Harry grabbed her bra and snapped it. Daphne's breasts bobbed free. He tossed away the bra and grabbed her knickers.

They were a classy kind of lace, dark green in color. The fabric was already askew from Harry's fingers pushing past them. This time, he removed any doubt, tearing them in half and letting the scraps slip from his fingers.

"Do you have any idea how much all that cost?" Daphne asked very faintly.

"No," said Harry.

Daphne sighed… only to gasp a moment after.

Harry's fingers had dug into her from below with his palm facing the ceiling. His middle and ring finger forged deep into Daphne's pussy, which if anything, had only grown wetter since he first felt it.

He stood up slowly from his kneeling position, pressing his hand up the whole way. Daphne slid up with him, her breath quickening. Slowly, purposefully, Harry's fingers roamed her depths, only reaching for her clit after she had sufficient warning to anticipate it. 

Her voice came out in a very uncharacteristic squeak. She grabbed his forearm with both hands, squeezing his muscles and feeling the tendons squirm as they propelled his fingers through her.

"Touch me," Daphne said, her proud eyes screwed-up pleadingly.

Harry's free hand reached up, grasping her puffy breasts. Her sensitive skin oozed between his fingers, as soft as clouds to the touch, and when he groped her she let out another of those high-pitched moans.

She was shaking under the rough sensation of Harry's hands. Her back arched against the wall. She shut her eyes. Her hips bucked slightly, desperately grinding down on his fingers.

Her climax arrived without warning, accompanied by the loudest cry yet. Her blond locks fanned out as she turned her face toward the ceiling, squirting across Harry's hands. The orgasm had been building since the very beginning, before she even revealed she had been watching him and Pansy, and it had grown proportionately for each time it was denied. For fifteen long seconds Daphne's body spewed fluid against Harry, forming a puddle in his palm.

At long last the orgasm cut off. Daphne's head drooped, her forehead falling against Harry's shoulder as her body sagged. It was exactly then, while her body was at its tenderest, that Harry slammed their hips together, driving his cock all the way to the cervix. He felt her mouth open in a muffled scream, her teeth scraping the flesh of his shoulder.

His hands slid between Daphne and the wall, gripping her ass and squeezing. He bucked forward, delivering the kind of no-nonsense thrusts he had perfected with Narcissa. But Daphne was decades younger than the Lady Malfoy, with far less experience, and she had already been pushed hard. The last dregs of her dignified exterior shattered completely.

"Harry!" she wailed, tucking her face into the side of his neck. "Oh, Merlin! Harry. Harry!"

She didn't spare a single thought for how her voice carried. She began the night prickly and caustic. She had recognized her body's desires while watching him, but couldn't bear to admit that she desired a man she had always looked down on. Now she did it with reckless abandon, screaming out his name while their bodies collided.

"Pansy is watching," Daphne moaned in his ear. 

Harry grunted and turned his head, glancing over the back of Daphne's head to look at the rest of the hallway. Pansy was conscious again, possibly as a result of Daphne's cries. The dark-haired witch had rolled over onto her stomach, her feet planted and her knees raised, watching them fuck with fingers digging through her folds.

"Does that embarrass you?" Harry asked.

"Of course it does!" Daphne moaned, cumming again as she said it.

These orgasms were different from the first one. They were brief, repetitive things. Each was lacking in intensity, but they kept coming, stacking on top of the ones that came before. Daphne wrapped her legs around Harry's waist, and he felt the prickly shaven hairs on her calves press into his backside.

Her legs held him tight, urging him on and forestalling escape. Harry had no plans on running. He continued to thrust, each of her small orgasms driving him toward another climax of his own. But for all Daphne's beauty, the large breasts pressed against him and the soft flesh squeezing between his fingers, it was her voice which drove him the most crazy.

"Harry!" Daphne moaned, over and over. "Harry! Harry!"

There was something addictive about it. Every bit of poise and pomp had been stripped away. There was no eloquence, but no chance for sophistry. That one word, repeated over and over, contained so much passion. It became the only thing Harry could hear, and all that he could focus on. He was so obsessed with it that he was the most surprised of everyone to find that he'd cum, leaving his seed deep inside of Daphne.

Harry stumbled back, his softening shaft sliding free of the blond as he retreated. His warmth torn away, Daphne slid down the wall and landed on her butt, looking dazed.

What… Why… For a moment, Harry had lost control completely. He hadn't even recognized what he was doing. The realization sent a sliver of ice straight into his heart.

Who was he to make that kind of mistake?

As Harry tried desperately to collect himself, someone else grunted. Pansy's fingers jerked, driving her to her own orgasm, after which she sat up, resting her chin on her raised knee and looking at Harry.

"If you get a marriage invitation from House Greengrass in nine months, good luck weaseling your way out of that one," she said bluntly

Harry groaned and ran his fingers through his sweaty, bedraggled hair.