Lily part 2

3 Days Ago before fights at Outsource Code.

Shibuya, Tokyo. Japan .

A thin mist hung over Tokyo sky , enveloping city in atmosphere melancholy . rain drizzle that doesn't visit subside . It rained for 4 hours . drizzling the make Street become slippery and umbrellas various color become the dominant view .

At the famous Shibuya crossing crowded , people jostling below umbrella they , try avoid raindrops falling​​​ from sky . Neon lights on the buildings tall reflect light colorful on the wet streets , sparks of light from light the car that radiates through rainwater and create​ such a visual effect beautiful .

In the middle hustle this , a man young stand pensive in front statue of Hachiko, the dog loyal to be symbol loyalty and sacrifice in Japan . The man , named Kenji, was a writer the middle of the break look for inspiration for his new novel .