
Cypher rested his books down on a table and sat down, his mind shutting out all of the activitie from other readers behind him. Now it was just him and the pages.

'first on the menu is ' A study of human anatomy' by author Kan Len.'

Time seemed to fly by as he absorbed himself in the study, the book outlining a clear message to him.

'There is not a single difference!'

The discovery was both a suprise and annoyance to Cypher.

'Humans from my old world and this one share no biological differences at all! So, why do Dreamweavers exist in this world and not mine?' He continued racking his brain for answers, growing increasingly infuriated at not being able to come to a conclusion.

' Sigh... nevermind, I'll just read the next one.'

Placing the other book Infront of him, the title reads, ' Endo the Saviour,' by an anonymous author.

Time once again trickled down as Cypher studied relentlessly, only to end up even more confused as time passed by.

The book detailed Releighs betrayal of Endo, growing hungry for more power.

Around 100BBR he cast a dark ritual that consumed the souls of many of the Empires citizens, turning them into mindless monsters under his command. He then led a brutal war against the Nova Kingdom and his brother Endo, upending entire regions in seas of blood.

However, true to his name as the Saviour, Endo eventually defeated Releigh in a battle so destructive it left a large potion of the continents land a barren wasteland, now known as the deadlands.

Both Releigh and Endo disappeared in the aftermath, with Endo presumed to have returned to the heavens. Forever watching over the Empire he once ruled. The cult of Releigh formed in the Kingdom of Nova in the aftermath.

'It doesn't make any sense!'

Cypher wasn't concerned for the most part, but what he was confused about was the lack of Dreamweavers before the arrival of Endo and Releigh. Were they truly divine beings who miraculously had this power? Cypher didn't think so for even a second!

' They resemble Angels more than true gods. However, their is no mention of a true god anywhere in history?And yet they act more like humans than angels, taking contol f country's and ruling over land like kings?'

Fortunately, this was all old history and didn't concern him to much. He had learned what he wanted, that he wasn't going to learn more about this strange power through human biology.

"Times up." Two hours had passed by in a moment. Putting the books in their place, Cypher got up from the desk and made his way back to the entrance of the library, where Clementine was waiting, this time in a full suit of armour.

"Did you enjoy yourself dear?"

"Yes Clementine, I learnt alot about lord Endo and that evil man Releigh."

"That's good, if you need any help just ask me, but we need to start your training before the day is over." A slight frown showed in her face, as if worrying about what's to come. She then pulled out a dagger, the same as from the alley,"Here, we found it in the street we discovered you. You'll need it."

This frown slip past Cypher but he chose not to comment. Taking the dagger, he wondered what she was so worried about.

A few minutes later....

Cypher had been led to the basement level of the church, down multiple flights of stairs until eventually they reached a dungeon like area with an open arena at it's centre. Clementine had left him and went in a different direction.

It's floor was made of hard stone that still had residual blood that could be seen splattered all over the ground. A large metal gate stood at the opposite side of the entrance, it's material looked heavy and strong.

Cypher walked forward and stood at the centre of the large arena, having been told that his training will be observed and judged. This most likely meant it was a trail of some sorts for real membership in the church. If he failed, he didn't know what would happen to him.

Around the circular colleseum stood rows of chairs, however only two people were present, a man and a woman who looked down at Cypher who stood at the centre of the arena.

The man was like nothing Cypher had seen before, standing tall with an air of mystery around him. He wore a silver metal mask that obscured his expression making him nigh unreadable. A white robe covered his entire body, a hood resting on his head. This was Cardinal Vanderwald, the most powerful man in the empire.


"You, Clementine, have been to soft. Perhaps I should remove your position as Saint?" His voice carried a weight that pressed on the very soul, it's ephereal calmness not suppressing his extreme danger.

"Father, I just don't-"

"Do not justify your actions, he is not your son is he?" The air around him warped, shadows seemed to thicken and move closer to Clementine, ready to strike at any moment.


"I will not tolerate this, you've allowed him to enter the library without merit, only those that pass the test should have this right. Nathaniel is dead, this boy is not a replacement. do not tarnish our reputation. The church cannot afford to be soft on our Weavers because of your hesitance, especially not for the position he will have."

"Yes father." A tear rolled down her face, but she lifted her head up to look at Cypher below them.

"Open the gate!" Clementine shouted.


"Open the gate!"

Clementines shout reached Cyphers ears as he cautiously observed the door springing to life, it's mechanical screeching only adding to tension.


The door was only half way open when a horribly sickening whisper echoed in Cyphers mind. A million voices coalesced at once to form an incoherent murmers that only grew louder the more the gate lifted.


Fully opened, what lay beyond the gate was pure darkness that let no light penetrate it's veil. Only an expiry silence accompanied it, but not because nothing was their, something was definitely there.

Cyphers hair stood on end as he waited, his breath quickening. The feeling of being watched by such a malignant gaze telling him not to relax for a moment.


In what seemed like an eternity, the slow moving silhouette of a skinny humanoid creature stepped out of the darkness.

Cyphers eyes widened as he took in the full sight of the abomination before him.

It was a mockery of the human form, a truly blasphemous creature that belonged in the depths of hell. It's very presence a vile and unholy stain on reality.

It stood at 6.5 meters tall, towering over Cypher's small frame like a giant. It's body resembled a human without any skin resting on its body, only wire like nerves protruding from its muscles in a red mangled mess. Worst of all was it's face, permanently forced into an agonized smile with bloodshot eyes that lacked any eyelids to blink. The sight of such a being belonged only in the nightmares of the most insane individuals.

It's head snapped to the side as it observed Cypher, drool flowing from its mouth. The clawed hands that hung onto it's elongated arms twitched.

While Cypher watched this, his heart raced with adrenaline that blocked out his fear. His newly enhanced strength cracked the floor, his legs priming into action.


Sprinting forward with unmatched ferocity, the creature bolted towards him. It's arms flailing, reaching out to desperately grab him.

'This things clearly stronger than me...but fighting such a creature head on would be a fools errand.'

Cypher held out his palms, power flowing through them. The ground the creature twisted and morphed until becoming a white sandy texture.

The thing was forced to halt in it's steps when it noticed it's feet had sunken into the ground, unmoving.

Not wasting his time, Cypher tightened his grip around the knife and ran straight for it's throat.


'That was a bit to easy'

An unsettling feeling rose in his stomach watching the thing fail to react to the cut on its throat that oozed with blood, instead it struggled and eventually broke free from the sand and continued rushing towards Cypher, who had moved a distance away to observe.


Right before his eyes, the wound on its throat rapidly healed, as if it were never there.