First contact

The moon cast an orange glow that penetrated even the dark forest. Shadows stretched on the ground unnaturally, creating tense atmosphere that allowed no time for rest.

In a certain area of this forest, two soldiers clad in full body silver armour rested by a fire. Despite the lack of danger, their swords still rested on their laps ready to be used.

A taller soldier with a noticeably gruff and horse voice spoke up, "Let's head back soon Hendrick, the Empires scum have already arrived so theirs no more use in scouting."

"Sir? With all due respect... wouldn't it be safer here?" A relatively young man responded ," I heard they have a Saint this time, and you know that getting caught in the crossfire of one is a death sentence."

"Haha, young man, don't make the mistake of thinking we're safe here." The older man stood up and shook his head ,"At least of we're with the main army, the weavers will be fighting eachother and not us." He turned his back to the young night ,"Forget it, let's start heading ba-"

A streak of light flickered past him,

"Si-"The young knight tried to question his superior, only to find his voice cut off. Red liquid cascaded around him as his vision seemingly rising unnaturally in the air.

He looked at the older knight in confusion, only to find a thing trail of blood running along waist in a clean line.


His superiors upper body slid off his legs cleanly and hit the floor- perfectly cut in half.

The cold chill felt all the more vivid, as if his brain was desperately trying to savour any sensation before it dissapated.

As the young knights eyes twisting through the air, he caught sight of his own body- His head no longer attached. The oxygen in his brain rapidly depleted, leaving him utterly confused while his head hit the ground with a roll.

The forest was once again silent as the two knights bodies lay on the ground, dead.


The biting cold seemingly had no affect on Orion. His speed reached terrifying levels, causing him to look like a wraith or barely perceivable spectre that briefly flickered in between the trees like a shadow.

The sword in his hand left trails of blood on the ground from the termination of two unlucky scouts. Unfortunately for them, they didn't even get the chance to see their killer.

At this speed, even the particles of ash in the air seemed to fall ever so slowly- with his reaction speed slightly surpassing his movement speed. It was as if the world was moving at his pace, and not the other way around.

Behind him, a young boy strained to keep up. For a caliber two it was already a miracle he wasn't left in the dust by his red haired partner, though it wasn't without effort.

Tamiel the lion was only slightly behind Orion and almost outpaced busy Cypher- a natural outcome as he was the same Caliber.

"Almost there Cypher!" Orion shouted back, though he didn't take his eyes from his front for a second.

Above them, Rain eyed the caravan with diligence. By now, Cypher and Orion were only 5 Kilometres away from their target- a short distance for Dreamweavers that was rapidly being covered.

Soon, they arrived at a clearing in the forest that resembled a road or a rough path to follow. On either side of the path was the same forest that they had travelled through, creating a wide yet claustrophobic area perfect for an ambush.

Cypher climbed up a tree- moving as high as he could to avoid being spotted immediately with his relatively high profile robes. The wood creaked as he made his way up showing its age and weakness.

Finding himself in a good position, Cypher looked towards Orion and Tamiel, a decision he regretted as he twitched his eye in irration.

Tamiel lay on the ground like a housecat, licking it's paw as if it was some kind of royal treasure. Though, it was rightfully earned as rank two dreambeasts weren't a common sight.

Standing next to Tamiel and leaning against a tree lazily, Orion wasn't any different. His red hair rested against the wood, his eyelids seemingly drooping slightly as he struggled to stay awake.

Cypher had little time to think however as the sound of footsteps and the stomps of hooves made themselves clear from down the path. He grasped his dagger tightly, waiting for an opportunity to present itself.


Ginsu was not having a good day- or whatever semblance of day their was in this world. He had joined the Cult of Releigh at 16 and advanced to rank two just a few months ago. His talent was so mediocre, however he lacked the will to complain.

Having been told to join his fellow rank two-a blonde haired girl who went by the name of Elise- to accompany their rank 3 superior to defend the food supplies, he felt that he may die from boredom.

Walking beside him, the clocked figure of Elise skipped down the path happily, causing him to scoff ,"Where do you get the energy from?" He held his head up in disgust ,"Perhaps you were given a dose of Euphoraline as a child, it would explain your lacking intelligence-"


"Oww, what the hell?!"

"Pff! You really are from that family, given you can never shut your mouth." Elise withdrew her hand and gestured to the tall man Infront of the carriage ,"Psst" She lowered her voice ,"Boss is acting quiet recently, do you think somethings wrong."

Their boss was a respectable weaver in the cult, having advanced to rank 3 and displaying above average talent. Hailing from the noble family of Trent- Yavon had been sent to defend supply lines along with two junior weavers. His usual demeanor was playfully and energetic, but around an hour ago he suddenly changed and seemed hyperfocused on something.

Ginsu swiped his brown hair back into his place and lifted the black hood of his robe above his head ," Now that you mention it, he is acting different. Should we go ask him why?"

"Huh? You ask him" Elise grunted.

"Me? Why can't you do it!"

"Because if he's in a bad mood you'll get the blame." She stuck her tongue out to mock him.



Their bickering continued for a brief moment until Yavon suddenly halted firmly in his place, causing the entire escort to halt abruptly. His hood obscuring his deadly serious expression as his eyes scanned the road ahead. The soldiers looked on in fear and stepped back, feeling the shifting aura of their leader that made them step back on instinct.

Yavons neck cracked beneath his full black robe, preparing his body for something.

"It's just as expected..." Yavons turned around calmly to face his junior Dreamweavers and the accompanying soldiers ," Ginsu, Elise, get ready." He warned with a serious voice that didn't betray the danger he posed ," I believe we have a guest up ahead."

In the distance, the distinct reads hair caught his attention. A man lazily leaning against a tree opened one eye slightly and met Yavons gaze without a hint of fear. The tiger beside him halted it's self care and turned it's head to face the newly arrived enemy.

Ginsu and Elise jumped slightly, startled by the man. However they soon wore a smirk on their face and looked over to the churches Dreamweaver in arrogance.

"A church dog wants to fight us alone? Pff- how pitifull!" Elise covered her mouth with her hand and let out a condescending giggle typical of a young noble girl.

Ginsu looked towards Yavon with a proud look ,"Sir, it seems a stray dog has ran into us, Should we put it out of its misery?"


A spider web formation stretched across the ground in an instant as Yavon pressed his foot against the floor. Beneath his robe, his eyes wore a cold calm as he spoke to his juniors behind him ,"Another word, and I'll execute the both of you."

His gaze remained locked onto Orion the entire time, his mind working to figure out what the goal was. In the world of Dreamweavers, no opponents could be underestimated- or death will certainly reward you for your arrogance.