Siege part 3

Calmed and observant. These were the only things one could gather from Cypher, with his mask obscuring his face. He watched the two most powerful people on the field bickering and argue back and forth without much interest.

It was clear to him that both could have easily started fighting the moment the moment they saw eachover. While he hadn't been a Dreamweaver for an overly long period of time, he had been a soldier, and he knew how these things went. Clementine and Mamon both had an army to lead and -before they fought - had to raise their fighting spirit.

"My life isn't so easy to take!" Cypher listened to Clementines words,.watching her hand grasp a rapidly forming golden sword of light, " A deranged fool who thinks he's worthy," Pointing the sword at Momon ," Will never have that honour."

The archdemon snickered with disdain. With one of his slender pale hands pulling his red hood over his head, the other hand held out a Palmer- allowing a swirling mass of air to compress in his skin. In less than a second, the swirling mass was like a conglomerate of invisible blades forced near eachother.

'Another elemental teqnique? This one should be a wind type.' Observing closer, Cypher had already decided to stay away from any conflict with the Archdemon. Unless you had some mental issues, anyone would be able to see how deceptively dangerous that rotating ball of death could cause.

Not long after Mamon had used his technique did his voice appear again ," An arragont Saint who can't tell when she is outmatched! I'll enjoy showing you how disappointing reality can be."

Both saint and demon staired at eachother for a moment, shaking the earth beneath them.

"Get ready." Without looking back at the Dreamweavers behind him, Cypher issued a brief warning. While he didn't care about them, he also didn't want to be alone in the vanguard.

One second passed, two seconds passed...and then it happened.

It was so fast that even Cypher couldn't see clearly.

There was a flash of light bright enough to tear through his lenses and temporarily blind him. Only after the searing flash faded did he see what happened.

In that split second, both Clementine and Momon had moved some distance away from the main battlefield, or more specifically, above it. Chaos erupted in the heavens as the two moved at speeds incomprehensible to those below.

Explosions lit up the sky and clashes of what could only be metal shook the very foundations the soldiers stood on. The calamity only increased in intensity, wind blades and flashes of golden light occasionally hitting the earth and leaving thick craters and gashes in the earth.

'So...this is rank 4' Cypher looked up at what could only be described as two natural disasters above his head. The beauty and grace combined with the devastation taking place was awe inspiring. His cloak was frown back in the wind while his head snapped back down to his own battlefield.

It seemed he wasn't alone in his revery, with almost everyone in both armies admiring the scenes taking place. Most simply felt a mix of fear and regret - never being able to have this level of power in one thousand lifetimes.

The Dreamweavers among them simply appreciated the violent dance that shook the sky, hoping that one day, maybe they would also be up there.

The reverie was stopped abruptly however, as Cypher formed a sand spike in his hand. It floated and sound until shooting out and flying across the field separating the two armies. The sound of flesh being pierced seemed to snap everyone out of their daze.

On the first line of the Kingdoms army, an unlucky soul had his head completely devastated by a bullet like spike. The body, now standing with only half a head, collapsed to the dirty.

The clashing above now was like a backdrop. The soldiers of the Kingdom looked down at their fallen combrade, then at the army opposite. The flip had been switched an with a final gush of wind, one soldier began sprinting forward ,"ATTACK!" He spat out with bloodshot eyes and heavy breathing.

The action caused a chain reaction. Soon an entire symphony of battle cries swept across the field while the stomping of feet and metal rumbled on the earth.

The empire, emboldened by Cyphers actions let out screams and rushed towards their enemies with equal vigor. With the two armies charging to kill the other, the siege had finally begun.

Surely, to those above, they looked like ants closing in on eachover. However if one was on the ground as a regular man, it was like running towards certain death. The only consultant for them was that their families would get a sum of coins for their service.

Though the Dreamweavers made their deaths insignificant, they still had a duty to serve and a duty to die if need be. With this thought ought in their heads, they relentlessly ran forward without hesitation.

Once the frontlines of both armies we're within one meter of eachother, the smell of dirt and ash was soon replaced with the unmaskable scent of thick blood.

Cypher, who was the first to make contact with the soldiers of the kingdom, began mercilessly cutting down anything in his way. The dagger in his hand flowed through the air, turning him into a walking killing machine as the soldiers around him appeared slow and sluggish to his perception.

One soldier clutched his throat after a flash passed him, another had a hole where his heart should be. Anyone who approached this boy soon joined their fellow soldiers in the afterlife.

Some of the cultists mixed in with the kingdoms army attempted to fight and kill him, only to be stopped in their tracks by his escort of three weavers. In other words, he was free to carve a path unless someone could get past his guards.

The cries of soldiers wasn't just taking place around Cypher, as thousands of men clashed. It wasn't long before technique's started appearing much to the fear of the mortal soldiers.

An unfortunate soldier of the empire found himself burning in flames from a flaming arrow. Another, crushed by a floating rock.

One even started attacking his own allies when his mind was hijacked. The symphony was both solemn and grand at the same time as the skies lit up like a firework display while the earth turned red.

With his hand passing through the armour and body of a man, Cypher felt no hesitation. His mind found an ideal path forward towards the castle and his body simply executed the task with brutal efficiency.

The Whistling of an arrow whizzed passed his ear. An arrow lodged itself into the soldier behind Cypher, missing him by a hairs breath. The soldier who had shot it was ontop of the castle wall, still aiming at him - a mistake he would soon regret as a white spike throttled towards him, hitting his shoulder and pinning him to a stone wall behind.

Ignoring the missed kill, Cypher continued his work amid the bloody mist forming on the field they were fighting on.

One of the Dreamweavers stalling the cultists for Cypher soon cried out , "I can't hold on much longer!"

The weaver was defending against a heavy axe that relentlessly swung down on him. The power behind the blows increased slowly but steadily, making his defeat a near guarantee.