A Quick Visit at the Yakuza Den

10:30 PM

The composition of the guard force at the compound of the Wada Family is absolute.

Members of the public are kept away from the inside by warning signs, electronic surveillance, and patrols of armed guards.

Entering the second-floor level is off limits except on the trusted yakuza members.

What precisely goes on inside is truly a secret, essentially functioning on its own even unknown from her wife.

While inside the bullet train, Remo rubbed his eyes while reading the intelligence report from Ms. Hanson.

The content indeed, Juro Wada was deeply rooted in cybercrime attacks.

So far, their biggest hack was the supply chain attack from a car manufacturer penetrating their second party file servers.

And after the breach were detected, they asked a ransom demand of money amounting to $35M.

The worst part, it brought down the entire production line to a screeching stop and halted its operations.