A Fortress in the Sky

"Sir… Sir Jason, a stair from the walls that goes down below is available at the conference room. Do we need to proceed?"

"Negative, that's too big of a risk! Below is our military barracks. Two of you better stand there and guard the entrance. The rest will use the elevator, others will take the corridor downstairs!"

"Aye, aye Sir!"

"C'mon let' go! Secure all the files. No loose ends!"

Jason demanded upon noticing the laptop computer was still open.

Thick with tension, Jason and his aide carried Eleazar to let him rest at the sofa.

They must provide a first aid attention before sending for proper treatment at a medical facility.

Remo and Ryan soon arrived at the egress on the next level.

After the doorway were opened, a huge barracks was exposed before them stretching throughout the whole floors.

"Damn, just what I thought!" Remo exclaimed.

Ryan grows more anxious breaking out in cold sweat.