The Repository

Hyacinth POV

Uncle Moony was acting like a kid the day before Christmas with how much he was fidgeting at breakfast. I know he is excited to go to the vault but is it really that exciting, alright I guess it is alien tech and information that is downloaded into your brain does sound really cool. Finally unable to contain himself anymore he said, "Come on Paddy lets go we aren't getting any younger here. I want to get to the vault so that we can start making plans." Dad sighed and said, "Sorry for enjoying a good meal I was only lock away in a cold dark tower for 11 years after all. To bad it was a goblin and not a princess that rescued me from the evil monsters." Uncle Moony got a guilty look on his face at first only to slightly chuckle with Dad's finishing line. I just sat there looking between them with a happy smile. All I can think of lately is that I am so happy to finally have a family, one that actually loves me. I will protect them with all that I have cause they mean everything to me. 

Once we finished eating we used the floo to go directly to Bloodfang's office. Once there Dad and Uncle Moony let him know we were going to the vault. Bloodfang looked at Dad and said, "I will notify Griphook to take you we have discovered that Dumbledore has paid a goblin to notify him if Hyacinth enters the back from Diagon Ally so for the time being it is safer if we keep things within the family so to speak." Dad smiled at Bloodfang and said, "I appreciate all that Gringotts has done to aid our families you and Griphook especially. Once we have more information on the items in the vault we will contact you to have a talk with the king so that we may work out a deal with the Goblin Nation." Bloodfang smiled wickedly and said, "I would be honored to work out a deal that is mutually beneficial for all parties, for a fee of course." Dad just shook his head and said "Of course business is business after all. Well I know time is money so we will get out of you hair, we will see you on our way out good day Bloodfang." with a nod from the account manager we left following after Griphook. 

Inside the Vault 

We got to the vault and I had to pull Dad and Uncle Moony through the barrier It was easier with Dad this time but Uncle Moony was harder to pull through I had to have Dad's help. It must have something to do with the amount of blood relation that a person has with me. I tried to run straight for the repository but was snatched up by my waist by Uncle Moony while Dad said, "Good catch Moony." He turned to me and said, "You young lady do not go first in this instance. I will go first just in case it is dangerous followed by Moony and then you if everything is still fine by that time." I nodded with a pout on my face but stood to the side after Uncle Moony let me go.

Dad kissed my head and walked over to the Repository and placed his head on what looked like a chin rest. It took only a second before these creepy tentacle like arms wrapped around his head and I almost ran to him if Uncle Moony hadn't stopped me and said, "It's fine cub the journal said it would do this. Although, I do get why you are worried it does look a little unsettling." I rolled my eyes at him squashing my fear a little and said, "A little, that thing looks like it is eating his head." Uncle Moony laughed just as Dad's head was released. I didn't even respond to Uncle Moony I ran straight to Dad and hugged him. I took a few minutes to calm down as Dad wrapped his arms around my shoulders and said, "I'm fine pup it didn't hurt at all and I have a better understanding of what is going on now. Your turn Moony." 

Uncle Moony walked up and placed his head in the repository and it repeated the action of downloading the information. It's creeps me out to watch those tentacles wrap around their heads. Before I knew it, it was my turn to get attacked by the tentacle library. It was disturbing to see the arms lock in Uncle Moony and Dad's heads it was another thing to feel the arms wrap around my head and lock me in. I opened my eyes and it felt like I was looking into space it was weirdly beautiful. I felt like my head was being filled up and there was a slight pressure but it wasn't painful the feeling passed quickly and before I knew it the arms released me. 

Dad looked at me and asked, "You alright Pup?" I nodded while placing a hand on my temple and rubbing slightly to get rid of the discomfort that was setting in as all the new information settled into my mind. Dad looked concerned and said, "When we get home I am going to start you on occlumency training it should help you with organizing the new information and allow you to build a proper defense for your mind. It would make me feel better especially if you decide to go back to Hogwarts." I looked over at him and said, "Why wouldn't I go back to Hogwarts, and why would I need to defend my mind before going back?" Uncle Moony placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "One because you would be around Dumbledore at Hogwarts and two because Severus Snape and Dumbledore are both skilled at legilimency so you would need to be cautious around them."

I looked at them confusedly and said, "What is occlumency and legilimency?" Dad sighed and said, "That man really taught her nothing Moons. I really wish I could strangle him." Running his hand through his hair in frustration he continued, "Alright pup occlumency is a way for one to organize and defend one own mind. There are many benefits to studying occlumency but for our purposes it will help you with organizing and understanding the information you just acquired as well as keeping people who would do you harm from invading your mind in an attempt to control you." Uncle Moony continued where Dad left off when it looked like Dad was going to blow his top in anger again. "Legitimacy is basically the opposite of occlumency, it allows someone to invade the mind of another in an attempt to gain information. A skilled legilimens is able to do this undetected to even someone trained in occlumency, but if we train you in occlumency you at least have a chance at knowing when someone enters your mind or tries to manipulate your thoughts."

I looked at both of them in shock but nodded at them. There is still so much I have to learn about being a witch. "So who is going to teach me how to do this?" Dad chuckled and said, "That would be you Uncle Moony he is the teacher between the both of us." I just nodded and hugged the both of them. "Are we heading to the control chair now?" Dad chuckled at me and ruffled my hair before heading over to the side room with the control chair.