
In a one-on-one battle, Wisedroid was nearly invincible. Everyone knew this and feared him. He was the most advanced android in the association. He had more destructive power than any military force.

A photo of Yuto and his information appeared on a holographic display in front of everyone. The Boss continued:

— As I was saying, Yuto is a threat that must be neutralized immediately. I will give anything as a reward to whoever kills him.

Zenith seemed to remember something important. That face and purple hair looked familiar. When she heard the word "reward", she remembered an unfinished mission she had started years ago. She smiled menacingly.

— Is this a competition then, geezer?

— Take it however you want.

The first part of that mission was to kill the strongest heroine: Phy, or Ishikawa Kanata. The second part was to kill her younger brother. She had succeeded in the first part, but Yuto blinded her with his fingers. That's why she was blind and needed the glasses to see.

When she realized who she was dealing with, she started laughing uncontrollably and exclaimed:

— This can only be fate! The heavens, they recognize me as their queen! Better yet, I am their goddess!

She stood up and left the room. Unizard tried to stop her.

— The meeting isn't over yet!

The Boss, however, agreed with the attitude:

— Let her go, nothing will stop her now.

— Huh? What are you up to, suckass?

— This meeting was for Zenith. You can go now.

— So you called us here for nothing?

— Because you were here, she thought this was a real meeting.

— What the hell are you planning, old shit? Is Yuto even alive?

— Well, he is. I'm just taking advantage of my luck.

— So why Zenith?

The Boss shrugged and gave a thumbs up. Before they could say anything, he quickly disappeared. It was a hologram, not his real body.

— Wait, what?!

Unizard was genuinely confused. Her brother explained:

— Less competition for us, huh.

— What the hell is he thinking? I mean, does he want Zenith or Yuto to win?

— He probably wants to kill both at the same time, with an orbital cannon or something.

— You're right... ugh, I'm not thinking straight today.

— It happens, sister, you are on your period.

Distortion created a portal which they both entered and teleported to somewhere. The portal soon closed. Wisedroid, who was sitting alone in the room, got up and went to the door. Genesis got scared and tried to run away, but Wisedroid caught her by her maid outfit.

— Oh, Wisedroid-sama, it's been a long time! I'm just... spying on Yuto!

He didn't move or say anything.

— Master, I'm sorry, but he really seems like a nice person...

— Appearances are deceiving.

— Master, I'm 101% sure about this. He's not a bad guy, please trust me!

— If Yuto tried to kill you, you would accept it with open arms. I will take matters into my own hands.

Normally, an android could not separate itself from the association. Wisedroid and the Boss were among the only ones who could grant freedom to whomever they pleased. Wisedroid had freed Genesis from her maid status to spy on Yuto. That mission was now over, and she would be free to live her life as she pleased.

— I'll get the answers out of him, whether you like it or not. Stay out of the way, Genesis.

Genesis didn't know how to respond. She stood in the middle of the hallway, watching her master leave. Genesis relayed everything he saw to Yuto and Haji, who were watching on a laptop. Wisedroid knew this, and the message he said was primarily for Yuto. It was a declaration of war.

Ria sent a message to Yuto, telling him to be ready when she called him. She was on the roof of a building 8 kilometers away from the mall where Caliel disappeared. Yuto should go to that shopping mall, where the battle would take place. Ria knew that Wisedroid would investigate the cone-shaped hole sooner or later. She just had to wait for him to show up.

She watched her target day and night with the telescopic sight attached to her carbine. It could magnify the image millions of times in high definition. Her carbine was also modified. It could fire its projectiles at speeds four thousand times faster than a normal weapon. Its ammunition could easily penetrate anything up to ten kilometer thick.

The weapon had such high recoil that the user would be pushed back a few meters every time he fired, even if he held himself as steady as possible. Therefore, it was not a suitable weapon for anyone below level 4. It could break the collarbone of whoever used it.

Yuto was waiting for Ria's confirmation. He woke up and checked the last messages he had sent and received.

"Target at mall." - Ria

"Understood." - Yuto

Her message was marked as read. They had been sent a few hours before he woke up. He couldn't remember any of them for some reason. Yuto was going to change his clothes, but he realized that he had already done so. Maybe he had slept in those clothes. He ran to the living room.

Genesis was sitting on the sofa, watching TV, with an unusually serious face. Haji was trying to comfort her. Tatsuya was also there, out of nowhere. He had his hands on his head, as if he was very angry about something.

Yuto, realizing that something serious had happened, forgot about Ria's message. He looked at the television. A news report was showing the death of two important people. The first was Wisedroid. The second was Yuto.

Confused, he first asked Tatsuya:

— Tokihito-san, what are you doing here?

Tatsuya rushed towards Yuto and grabbed him by the neck. Staring into his eyes, he slowly lifted Yuto off the ground.

— Why, Ishikawa Yuto, why?! I thought I could rely on you!

Haji, surprised, ran to the two, trying to calm the situation:

— Wait, this is a misunderstanding! Yuto would never kill someone like that!

Genesis, who was still serious, turned to the three. Crying, she said calmly:

— You mean he usually does much worse?

— That's not what I meant! He's not behind this, I swear! Tokihito-san, let him go!

Tatsuya, upset, hesitated for a few seconds, then let go of Yuto's neck, saying:

— You better have a good explanation for this.

Yuto, on the ground, began to breathe again. When he recovered, he replied:

— I just woke up! I didn't even meet Wisedroid!

Tatsuya kicked Yuto in the stomach, calmly threatening him:

— I'm not fucking around, Yuto.

Yuto, nearly fainting from the pain, clenched his hands. He looked at Genesis, who seemed to have lost all trust in him.

— Genesis, trust me, please! I don't remember any of this!

— I want to believe you, Yuto.

Genesis stood up and walked towards the door of her room. With her back to Yuto, she stopped and whispered:

— But I can't right now.

She locked herself inside the room.

Yuto woke up. He glanced at his cell phone, eager for confirmation from Ria. An unread message was visible:

— Target at mall.

Yuto used the message notification as an alarm. That way, he would respond as soon as possible. He replied:

— Understood.

He rushed to the mall. Before he found Wisedroid, he activated the mall's security system with his power. A level 7 threat alarm sounded. This way, he would evacuate everyone nearby so he could focus on his target.

Since the threat was located inside the mall, the reinforced metal doors were not closed, so as not to trap the civillians. Everyone inside quickly fled not only the mall, but the entire surrounding area.

He went to meet with Wisedroid, trying his best not to remember Ria's plan. Even so, Wisedroid already knew of his presence. Yuto found Wisedroid crouched in front of the cone-shaped hole. Without moving, the android commented:

— Quite a hole, isn't it? If I told you who did this, everyone would panic. So I try to keep unnecessary information from becoming public. Don't you agree with me, Yuto?

— How did you know I was here?

— You know my power.

Wisedroid slowly stood up. He turned to Yuto, firing a blue laser from his hand. Yuto, already expecting it, dodged the attack, commenting:

— You knew I would dodge. Why don't you just kill me?

Wisedroid started running towards him, while firing several lasers from both of his hands. With each attack, he intensified the next one. Yuto dodged them all, each time with more difficulty. Wisedroid, while attacking, replied:

— Tatsuya. What is your relationship with him?

Wisedroid, close enough to Yuto, pretended to shoot a laser with his left hand. However, he revealed an antimatter machine gun on his right arm. His entire body could transform, containing a nearly limitless number of weapons spread across all of his limbs.