Ma6ic Dimen5ion

— Uh? But you said Yuto didn't like to be spied on...

— If you say he's in danger, I trust you.

— Thank you so much, Haji!

Genesis rolled up her left sleeve and pressed her emergency watch. A few seconds later, Exwind appeared, landing from the sky.

— Genesis, I'm here. Did something happen?

— Can you help us find Yuto?

— Yuto? Isn't he dead?

— Well... let's leave the explanations for later.

— Alright, count me in.

— Thank you so much!

— This is an emergency, isn't it? I'm just helping my friends.

Genesis smiled gratefully, then projected a hologram with her hand. It was a map of the area where the tracker had lost signal. Ewind grabbed her and Haji's waists and they flew to the location. It was an empty street. Especially since it was night, the only people there were startled by their sudden landing. Genesis approached them to ask:

— Excuse me, did you see a boy with purple hair walk by here?

The woman promptly replied:

— Yes! He flew me here in this car that is being repaired.

It was unknown whether they responded so quickly because they were in Exwind's presence or because Yuto helped them. But they were also worried, as they saw Distortion kicking a child and Yuto disappearing soon after.

— Did you see when or where he disappeared?

The woman replied:

— Yes. He went into an alley and soon after returning he disappeared.

— Can you show us, please?

— Of course!

The woman went to the sidewalk where the alley was and marked the spot.

— Thanks very much!

— You're his friends, aren't you? I'm glad you're here, I was worried about him.

— Yes, we were worried too, thanks again!

Genesis soon created a spray and began to paint the air. Haji asked:

— What are you doing?

— There's nothing invisible here, Yuto was teleported.

— Do you know who did that?

— Distortion can create portals, so I think it's him. Unizard can too, but they're always together.

Exwind proposed:

— I can paint this area with my power and notice any disturbances.

—That would be a great help, Exwind! I just remembered that I need to contact Tokihito-san.

Genesis called Tatsuya.

— Tokihito-san, are you busy?

— Genesis? What's the matter?

— Yuto is in danger. I thought it would be a good idea to contact you.

— Where is he?

— We're trying to figure it out.

— Where are you?

Genesis sent the coordinates to him. Exwind found the disturbance. From below and to the sides, it was invisible. But above, a small portal could be seen. It was relatively high, so even Exwind couldn't use his height to see it.

— Genesis, I found it. It's a portal that leads to an empty place.

— Where's Yuto?

— I can't see, the portal is too small.

— Small? Distortion's portals are usually larger...

— He usually also closes them after using them.

Haji commented:

— What if this portal is different? Maybe it can't be closed completely, that's why it's so small.

Genesis said:

— That makes sense. Thank you, Haji!

— Exwind said it was an empty place. It's probably unlike anything we've ever seen.

— That's why we need to get Yuto out of there. Exwind, can you take us up there?

Exwind was levitating with his power to observe the small dimensional hole. He used his wind on both of them. Genesis had an idea.

Genesis reached over the hole and created several nanocameras. They flew a few meters, but soon lost signal. They could not withstand the high temperatures and were soon destroyed. Genesis did not understand at first why the air was so hot, so she sent a camera that was more powerful and larger, but small enough to fit through the hole.

It quickly traveled several kilometers and looked up. A few small pieces of comets burned up in the atmosphere. Soon she understood that a large one had just passed by and heated the air. She created countless other similar cameras. They flew through the empty region quickly, until they found another anomaly: a small portal that led to another dimension.

Again, an empty place. In fact, there was an immense void in it that pulled even through the portal. The sequence of creating more powerful and faster cameras continued, until they were able to observe from within the second dimension without being pulled by the vacuum.

They found another portal: this time, it led to a blizzard. They couldn't see much, but Genesis recognized the silhouette of Yuto lying on the ground, Unizard and Distortion standing. Celebrating her achievement, Genesis shouted:

— Bingo!

Exwind asked:

— Did you find him?

— Yes! But I still don't know how we're going to reach them.

— I have an idea. Ria can figure it out, she always gets the job done.

Exwind called Ria to inform her of the situation. He didn't mention Yuto, so as not to scare her. He flew to the association building to pick her up. Right after he left, Tatsuya arrived with his blue sports car. He hurriedly ran to Genesis to ask about the situation.

— What happened?

— Yuto is trapped in another dimension with Distortion and Unizard.

— How can we get there?

Exwind arrived again, landing like a superhero, which he was. Ria immediately noticed Tatsuya. She had been searching for that man for the murder in the abandoned building and knew he was dangerous, but she masked her unease. Exwind lifted her up to the height of the portal. She said:

— Genesis, create some bullet redirectors and levitate them so I can bounce the bullet. Also, place centered cameras on each thruster.

Genesis created small L-shaped tubes and spread them out at points that aligned with the portals.

After a few minutes, Yuto woke up. He didn't remember anything after being suffocated in the vacuum. He got up and was now in a snowy biome. It was very cold, but he was too injured to complain. In front of him, Distortion and Unizard were standing and unharmed.

— Why did you save me?

Unizard, with a mocking tone, replied:

— We were just warming up, baby.

— Ugh... You disgust me.

— Do we look like we care?

— No... that's why I'm going to murder you.

Yuto looked straight into her eyes, serious and contemptuous. She smiled determinedly, eager for a good fight. He leapt towards her. As he flew, he created several cylinders of supreme gravity, small but concentrated. If they penetrated her brain, he would win.

He pretended to throw a punch and kicked her in the groin. The cylinders passed through her simultaneously, but through the portals. The kick, however, was so strong that it went through Unizard's stomach from bottom to top and stopped just before reaching the heart.

In response, she grabbed Yuto's leg and twisted it until it broke. Distortion sent two black holes towards him, consuming the entire landscape. The void only pulled in Yuto, who was not protected by the portal-barrier.

He forced his speed to get out of the suction area. While he was in the air, another shower of comets appeared, this time falling much faster. Yuto narrowly dodged each one. As he did so, a burst of fireballs the same size as the comets appeared diagonally from below. He was being shot at from above and below.

It wasn't just fireballs. Other smaller objects were camouflaged in the snowstorms and fire: ice spears, small black holes, plasma, lasers, etc. Since they covered such a large area, Yuto couldn't run to the side without getting hit. He had to dodge every attack. But portals opened in his blind spots at the last second.

Many attacks hit, including the small black holes. Right after touching them, Yuto flew backwards at full speed. In this way, their very destruction eliminated the other projectiles. Impatient, Distortion decided to use his power. He released growing black holes that consumed even comets instantly. They created a huge vacuum, but Yuto quickly escaped from that area.

Unizard teleported in front of Yuto in less than a second and strengthened her punch again. Since she didn't try to hide, she surprised Yuto, who was bombarded with attacks in his blind spots. He didn't have time to react. The punch hit him squarely in the stomach. His belly was pierced and he was sent flying a few kilometers away.

Distortion created portals that led to each other. Thus, Yuto was trapped in a loop and was unable to defend himself. He was so injured that he no longer knew what was real and what was a hallucination.

As a final attack, Unizard conjured a comet much larger than the others at a 90° angle. Since it was falling directly towards Yuto, the impact would be much greater. She accelerated the comet so that it would fall as quickly as possible. In less than two seconds, it hit the ground.