
He can teleport? Was this his power all the time?

— I'm sorry, Yuto, but I'm just doing my job. The world will be doomed if you return to Tokyo.

Yuto used his power to move his body. He used his knee to hit Tatsuya's chin. He was sent into the sky. Yuto flew towards him and punched him towards the farm, destroying the main house. He landed nearby.

— Did I kick some sense into your ass now?

Tatsuya was lying in the rubble. Suddenly, he became startled and looked around.

— Not even a word? Well, I'm gonna beat you until you give up. Don't worry, I won't kill you.

Yuto ran towards him, about to punch him in the stomach. But for some reason, the roles were instantly reversed. Yuto was lying on the grass, while Tatsuya was standing before him.

What?! This can't be only teleportation! He must have a second power!

— You're the one who should give up. In case you haven't realized yet, I'll tell you who I am.

— I'll discover your power by force, not by pity!

Tatsuya teleported again and kicked Yuto to the side. Less than half a second later, he landed another kick. Then, another. A punch to his front. Almost instantly after, another from behind.

My body can't even register the damage before I take another! He's too fast even to a level 7...

Finally, Tatsuya teleported on his back and punched him multiple times. But Yuto felt and heard them all at once. It was superhuman speed. Not even a god could land so many hits at the exact same time. 

Yuto was launched towards a mountain, piercing through it. He hit another mountain, stopping the impact. Tatsuya was standing before him again, after less than a second. Who could travel a few kilometers in less than a second and stop like it's nothing? What about the inertia?

Tatsuya touched his watch. A light blue energy sword appeared alongside his arm. It seemed powerful.

— It's time to end this, Yuto. I'm really sorry, but I must do it. It was great having fun with you all.

He's fast. It's not even possible that a human can be this fast. He can literally teleport with his power, but it's not only this. It's like a power that alters reality. He can make multiple things happen at the exact same time...

At the exact same time...

Wait, that's it!

— Goodbye, my friend.

Just as Tatsuya was swinging his energy sword to decapitate his opponent, Yuto forced his power to push him forward, sliding between Tatsuya's legs. He quickly got up and smirked, knowing his secret. 

Yuto started creating a huge gravitational field where he would increase his power thousands of times, crushing everything inside of it. It was the supreme gravity he always used, but at a different scale this time. It would make a crater the size of a mountain. 

He could do it anytime he wanted, but the destruction was so big that it would leave a scar on the terrain. In addition, it would cost him a little more time to make it work. But he obviously didn't want to kill his friend, only scare him.

What is he doing? I can dodge this attack easily. Does he want to die with me? Wait, what if his power ignores him? Is he testing me?

As Tatsuya pondered about Yuto's plan, he felt the ground shaking a bit. A few purple particles started levitating, indicating it was about to hit. Scared, he "teleported" back to the farm, where he wouldn't be hit.

Yuto stopped the attack and flew right towards him at top speed. He arrived there in one second. Smiling mischievously, he said:

— You're Stopwatch, the 3rd level 7.

— Tch. I was just about to say that to you, but you refused my mercy and tried to figure it out on your own. You almost died for a stupid reason.

— Really? You're too defensive about that. Seems like I won.

— How does this give you an advantage? You can't match my speed anyway.

— I know. But what happens if I cover the whole country with my power? You would need to leave it as soon as possible. Stopping time and running towards an exit every time seems exhausting.

— Don't think you have won this, kid. Now I know how to use my power a little better. When you met me in the tournament for the first time, I didn't even remember who I was.

— So your power can damage your memories?

— Only temporarily. That's why I now remember about the moon, Slade marrying you and Wisedroid being killed by her!

— So you think I'm the root of all the problems? You must have gone back in time many times to reach that conclusion. Did you say you met me the first time in that arena?

— Of course! I was scared of you, so I never talked to you in other timelines!

— You went back in time and couldn't even remember who you were. What if you returned only to meet me?

— What? But why would I risk going back so far and lose all my memories?

— That's the reason, maybe you wanted to approach me. If you went back a little less, you could have a negative impression of me and try to kill me again.

— No, this can't be right!

Tatsuya remembered another core memory that was supressed by his power.

Winter, night. In the woods, Tatsuya was running aimlessly. He looked like he was done with life. Messy hair, broken glasses, untied suit.

Akari-chan, Koharu-chan... How could all this happen? I thought I could live a happy life in this timeline, even if I sacrificed the world!

His watch showed not only the hour, but also the year. 2054, July 7th. It could have stopped working before and he wouldn't care, but the watch produced its own energy, even if it was a bit shattered.

I'm in 2054 now... Why is everything happening right now? Wait, today is the Boss's 77th anniversary! Did he wait all this time to start his plan to conquer the world? I know 7 is his lucky number, but this is too much!

While he was running, a katana pierced his heart.

I'm gonna die again! This isn't fair, I just wanted a peaceful life! There must have been a convergence point in time where everything can be changed! One where the Boss can be defeated! Think, who can change the world by themselves if I only help them? Who was powerful enough to kill the Boss? Wait, that boy who died seven years ago!

— Ishikawa Yuto? Why is he so dangerous?

— Just like his sister, he threatens the association's integrity. I may know about almost anything, but I'm really bad at deciding things. So, could you help me, Tatsuya?

— Well, I understand why you're conflicted. Even if you are a super advanced android, you still have to consider the emotional side. Why not follow your heart? If you feel like he can cause a disaster, I think you should kill him.

— What if he's a good person?

— Everyone who has too much power turns into a twisted person, sooner or later. Look at Slade, she was a normal and innocent girl. Now she can do anything she wants, that's why she changed into a psycopath.

— I see, but it's not really her fault. She's not the same she used to be, literally.

— I know you want to protect her, but she'll just kill you if you approach her. She has no salvation.

— Yeah, you're right, friend. Thank you so much! I'll kill Ishikawa Yuto in the blink of an eye!

— Just don't force yourself too much. If he discovers your weakness, you could die, just like any of us.

— Don't worry, I got this! I won't give him any chance.

Wisedroid took off his black mask to show his smile to Tatsuya. He also did a thumbs up.

— Whoa, I didn't know you could just take off your mask like that!

— What, you thought it was part of my head? I'm just like you humans, but made with electronic parts!

— Speaking of that, how's your daughter doing?

— Genesis? She's doing well, although Ria is keeping an eye on her.

— She always goes to Exwind's room, she should expect that. You don't want her to leave your protection, right?

— Naturally! If she leaves the area of ​​effect of my power, she'll be in trouble. That's why she's a maid and only works in this building.

— You haven't changed, friend. You're much more human than that trash of a hero who calls herself a godess.

— Haha, I guess you're right. Thank you again, Tatsuya. I'll get going to meet the boy.

— Alright, good luck!

— I hope I don't need any luck, but thank you!

Wisedroid waved while looking at his friend and left the room.