
Yuto was still recovering from the absurd light that blinded his only healthy eye, but he recognized his savior. She observed him for at least a few minutes, since she needed to catch him by surprise.

— Revon...?

It was the ninja girl that saved him, for some reason.

— Is this what karma does?

— Karma...?

She was panting, holding his body tightly.

— I'm sorry, I just overdid myself...

— Why are you here? How did you know I was here?

She slowly stood up, helping Yuto. They looked around and saw the destroyed city. Akari was surprised and a little angry.

— Who are you, lady? You're interrupting our meeting.

She prepared to fight. She was apparently unharmed, but very tired.

— Hey, are you okay? Sorry, I never said thank you.

— You don't need to... we don't have time for explanations. Let's get this over with.

Akari was confused by this statement. How would they do something against the strongest?

— I can kill you whenever I want, lady. Spare your life and let me finish him.

— You're out of your mind, kid... just because your father died doesn't mean your life has no purpose!

Revon ran towards his head, kicking it with her maximum strength. He was surprised by the attack and took little to no damage, but her entire body was electrocuted.

Wait, already? What should I do?

— Who are you to say anything? This is between Yuto and I. We are special, not you.

— And what do you gain by killing him? You just want to destroy as much as possible, leave your mark! You just want to change the world, for better or for worse!

He shot a beam of light towards her. It started on the ground and crept up until it reached her. She ran towards him again, trying to punch him in the head. She knew she had no chance, but she had to at least try. He caught her fist easily and spun her body around, making her dizzy. He released her towards the sky.

When she was there, she realized how vast the damage her first attack had done. Approximately 25% of the city and its people were gone, reduced to atoms. A cone-shaped area of ​​pure nothingness but scorched earth. A storm cloud formed above her. A tornado also appeared, messing everything up.

Master, exfill!

She disappeared just before lightning struck the ground. It was so powerful that an explosion the size of an atomic bomb destroyed everything, especially at the epicenter. Millions died again because of the blast, electricity and everything.

Even the ground had difficulty dissipating all the energy, so many people died because they were touching it. Others were not affected enough to be harmed. The ocean was electrocuted, killing almost every living thing within it. Some of the water was vaporized. The city lost power. In fact, Japan blacked out.

Why didn't I do anything...? Revon used everything she had, but I'm too scared to try... At least I can still end this. If I sacrifice myself, Akari won't have a reason to kill anyone, right?

Yuto, what the hell is happening? Are you seeing that shit in the sky? I almost died!

Unizard? Don't worry, I can put an end to this.

So you're in the middle of everything again, huh? Don't even think about killing yourself, dumbass!

It's the only way...

Look, fight him with everything you've got. You have a chance! I can't help you this time, but you're stronger than me!

How? Didn't you see what he just did? I can't do shit... I can't run away from my problems anymore... I have to end this.

Oh my god, you're so annoying! Stop whining and go avenge, uh... your parents! They died by whoever you're fighting for now!

What? You're making this up...

Apparently they were here to celebrate your birthday.

Yuto's heart harbored hatred for them. They had brought life to his miserable existence, after all. But this information made him burst into tears. He was in despair now, knowing that some of his last loved ones had died because of a mistake he made. If he had just tried, things would surely be different.

It was his fault, but Akari didn't need to kill anyone but him. The one who should be punished the most was that horrible boy, who killed millions for no reason. After Yuto's eyes were dry from crying so much, he stood up, determined. He had to redeem himself, or at least try. After all, it was worth trying.

Thank you, Unizard.

Unizard smiled on the other side of the telepathy, trying not to die because of all the damage the city had suffered.

Let's fucking go! I'll do my part to save as much as I can.

Her mana was still recovering from the intense battle earlier, and her magic residue was almost overflowing her limit. Still, she used everything she had to save as many people as she could. Yuto couldn't be left behind. He had to put an end to all that chaos.

— I thought you wanted to kill me, not the city.

— Byproducts exist for a reason.

— Why are you doing this? I thought you were just a normal kid!

— When you have too much power in your hands, you stop caring what to do with it.

— Use it to help people, not to decimate them!

— I always wondered why they chose me. The gods thought I would be worthy of this power. But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm just going to have fun with it.

Hakkiri reached out to fire another cone-shaped laser. Yuto jumped up to make sure his attack didn't hit the city. A thousand beams of light of different colors converged into a huge laser. The small ones hit his body, but didn't do much damage. The big one almost erased him, missing him by centimeters. It swept across the entire sky, like an artificial sun. Many people were recording the event with their cell phones. Those who didn't die or lose their electronic devices, of course.

The clouds disappeared instantly. The air burned, leaving a trail of hot air currents. Yuto was pulled towards him and Hakkiri released a huge lightning bolt from his hand. It was a mix of yellow and light blue. Yuto tried to deflect it upwards with his gravity and it worked, as the electric current was much weaker this time. Akari teleported behind him and kicked him towards the city, releasing an electric discharge and destroying many buildings in its path.

He appeared in front of him again, ready to throw another destructive light beam from his hand. Yuto pushed his body forward with his power, passing between his legs and getting electrocuted. Even though his body was stunned, he could use his power. He used a supreme gravity on Hakkiri, smashing his body to the ground. A cylindrical hole was left, but a huge lightning strike hit the area, launching Yuto's body away.

Akari climbed out of it, with a calm yet intimidating look on his face. His hair was spiky because of the electricity and his blue eyes were shining like nothing else. He started moving in different directions at such speed that even his afterimages were difficult to follow. He landed a punch on Yuto's chest, releasing a strong electrical current for kilometers. His body also got sent for at least two hundred kilometers, crashing into multiples mountains.

He's too fucking fast! I didn't think a power of Light would give him light speed!

He landed on a flower field in the middle of nothing. A solar zenith came from the sky, even though it was midnight. Yuto avoided it by very little. The flower field was deleted and burned. Akari appeared at the sky, trying to find his enemy. Since his body was shining like a sun, Yuto found him quicker. He flew towards his back and hit two horizontal supreme gravities, one from each direction. It greatly increased the damage as they collided with each other. 

Akari was stunned for a moment, as the attack was much stronger than he expected. Yuto didn't want to hit him directly, as that would trigger the electricity barrier. So he just tried to rip Akari's heart out from the inside. It took a lot of practice and concentration, but he managed to slightly damage it.

Angered, Hakkiri released an extremely strong electric current in all directions, paralyzing Yuto and causing numerous bolts of lightning to destroy the landscape. In addition, he launched dozens of bolts of light in random directions. They grew larger the further away they were, so Yuto had to be closer to avoid being hit. They began to move rapidly, extinguishing and burning everything. The hot air current made Yuto's mobility worse, so he was almost hit several times.

The electric barrier grew larger, so Yuto couldn't be too close or too far away.