Chapter 28. Trying is not torture

In the company of a suspicious man whom I happened to meet on the street, we eventually came to a small pub. I glanced at the sign hanging on the small building: "At the Broker's."

The regulars who entered it also did not inspire much confidence. So when we got there, I already had a plan ready.

First of all, I had to escape from here, and then I had to find a cab driver who was willing to take me outside of the Heilos lands for a fee. And then everything would be quite simple. Compared to getting out of the residence of the main villain, getting to the capital would be no problem.

So, after a quick glance around, I awkwardly cleared my throat:

— Uh... I have to go to the bathroom.

Hearing my words, the bandit only shook his head slightly, not paying much attention to them. His gaze was fixed on the other side of the pub.

It looks like he met someone he knows, and his attention shifted away from me for a while. It was very convenient.