Set in a prestigious college environment, the story follows Yurina, a shy and reserved 19-year-old freshman with a passion for anthropology. Coming from a modest background, Yurina is attending on a scholarship, hoping to create a better future for herself through hard work and dedication. She lives in a dorm room shared with her roommate, Serena, a sophomore who has a penchant for smoking and indulging in life's pleasures. Yurina’s life takes an unexpected turn when she is invited to a party by Serena, where she meets a group of men.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my book! Any feedback, questions, or even suggestions are more than welcome. This author will continue to do their best!
I'm loving the story so far! I like the concept of Yurina being the reserved type that is slowly budding into someone who wants to change themselves, although it may not be in the most conventional way. Don't even me started on the xxx scenes! They are literally so well written. I find myself re-reading those scenes over and over again. I hope you don't drop this book author. Thanks for the good read!