Loona And Extermination Day

(AN:Please comment, it makes me happy to know that people like my stuff. Also, What are y'all's favorite foods? Mine is mashed potatoes :) )

(Third Person POV)

For 29 minutes now, James lay on the couch and watched Vox drone on and on, 'Hellminton, Hellsketball, Hellball, why the fuck does this place not have any original names whatsoever?'

[30 minutes have passed, host.]

'Thank the lord up above, I was about to just hold my breath until I die if I had to keep watching this.' James thought as he stood up from the couch and stretched all four of his arms. 'Why do I have four arms, and feel taller?'

[Host has gained the Perfect Jujutsu Body.]

Like always, information streamed into James' mind, where he processed it and sat on the couch, where he sighed and folded both sets of his arms. 'I can't believe I basically got Sukuna's body; thankfully I can retract the arms and extra mouth on my stomach. It would've been really weird for Loona to come back and see the guy she rescued got a new set of biology.' James willed the arms and extra mouth away before examining his cursed energy.

James summoned a tiny portion of his cursed energy into his hand; his hand was surrounded in a dark blue aura, almost equaling the cursed energy he was reinforcing while fighting Alastor.

'Alright, it looks like my cursed energy is way more potent.' He thought, 'The one thing I don't understand is why I do not have a cursed technique yet.' He let out a sigh and threw his hands in the air. "Whatever."


Two lines had appeared in the walls before him, the TV being unaffected but the walls behind it having looked like they had been sliced with 2 precise knives. James quickly grew a smile as he got up and went to the balcony; he stared out into Sin City, his gaze falling upon a rundown billboard with no one underneath it. He raised his hand and pointed at the billboard and thought, 'Dismantle.'


Even though the billboard was much farther away, the same thing happened, with a line being vertically cut clean through the billboard as it fell down to the ground with a thud. But before James could keep experimenting, he heard the jingling of keys from the door and quickly willed his transformation away and turned around.

A hellhound and imp had walked into the house. The imp was the one pictured on the wall, with the white burn marks and the suit with a skull; the hellhound looked the same. "Loona, who the fuck is this? Are you her boyfriend? I swear to God if you put your hands on my daughter!"

The imp took two guns, one for each hand, as he pointed them at James, who put his hands up. "Damnit, Blitz, calm down; this isn't my boyfriend. This is the guy who crashed through our wall and beat up that piece of shit, Alastor." Loona said, as Blitz let out an "oooohhh" before putting his guns away and walking up to James and getting in his face, only reaching up to his ears on his tippy toes.

"So you're the one who killed that period piece, huh?" Blitz raised up his fist and lightly tapped James' chest. "Good shit, kid, that fucker's been kidnapping people left and right to go and eat the poor bastards. Shit, he almost got Loona here, but she managed to sneak away before he could set his eyes on her."

"Blitz!" Loona admonished while brandishing her teeth, "What? You snuck him in here; if he's got you trusting him, I'd say he's—"


Blitz, James, and Loona looked outside of the balcony where the bell was heard. A golden building with church bells at the top displayed a digital timer reading 20 Minutes Before Extermination.

Blitz let out a large groan as he rubbed his face and looked at James. "Kid, those exterminations are a pain in the ass, and I don't really feel like hiding you. They don't go after the hellborn like us, but a sinner like you? They'll eat your ass like Bethany Ghostfucker, soooo…"


James was put out.

He stood outside of Blitz's door, being in a hallway with many doors and an elevator at the end with a window near him. 'Hmmmm. Elevator or jumping out of the window?'


'Fuck elevators,' James thought as he free-fell down from the eleventh floor where Blitz's apartment was. He gathered his cursed energy into his legs, covering them in a royal blue aura, and landed on his feet.

He looked around to see if anybody was around but saw nobody in the streets, shops, or any of the buildings. 'Oh, right. Exterminations and permanent death… I should probably get out of here and find somewhere to stay.' And with that, James started to walk through the abandoned streets of Sin City.

As he walked, he stared at the sky, something he had never done before. The sky was obviously red but had a pentagram in place of where a sun or a moon would be. Alongside that, there was a swirling mass of golden energy on the opposite side of the sky.

James also thought about his actions and what he wants to do going forward. 'Should I go to the hotel? I mean, Charlie's a great host, and she's pretty hot, but I don't want to live under someone else's care for the rest of my life here. What do I really want to do right now?'

He put his hand up to his chin and walked while deep in thought. 'I haven't really been doing anything while I've been down here. I've experienced some new things; I never knew how much I really liked fighting until now… Right now I just need to find myself, and that'll start with me getting a place all to myself after letting Charlie down easy.'

But James was pulled out of his musings with the angelic tower letting out a resounding


"Alright, that sounds pretty foreboding. I should be walking faster."


"Running, yes, I should start running!"


"Sprinting, I'm sprinting!" James couldn't understand why, but he felt death looming in, like it was over his shoulder. A heavy sense of foreboding weighed upon his heart as he started to run faster and faster.

After a while of running, he had come across a warehouse that looked abandoned.He looked around before realizing that the place didn't have any windows and the exorcists could easily see him if they looked in here.

'I got it!' James thought as he snapped his fingers. James stomped on the ground, making a hole appear beneath him and dropping himself in. He made a small room underneath the warehouse, about the size of a bathroom but with nothing inside except for dirt, dirt, and more dirt.

He quickly closed the hole that he used to get himself in and made several small little holes for him to breathe through. The bell from the building rang once more as the excited cheering of thousands of exorcists echoed in the sky, all across the ring of pride.

(AN: bars I'm really Kanye for real)

He held his breath and crouched down on the ground, trying to slow his heartbeat and make himself as small as possible. Every instinct he had in his body was screaming at him to hide or run.


The sound of walking permeated through the warehouse; James put his hands to his mouth and opened his eyes, trying to see who was in the warehouse with him. Unlike all the other times he had fully hushed the six eyes, this time he could process the information clearly and could keep them open, although he felt a small headache coming on.

He looked up and saw an exorcist in the flesh. The woman had a grey color scheme compared to the rest of hell; she wore shoes that were thigh-high and gloves that went up to her shoulders along with a skirt. She also had 4 wings and a helmet with horns and a digital face on it.

The woman scouted out the warehouse, each step of hers filling him with more and more dread. "Hey, Lute, what the fuck are you doing?" a voice said; Adam had stepped in, his heavy footsteps resounding. "Sorry sir, I was just scouting this place out." "Well, stop, there's nobody here; go get your fine ass back out there and let's kill some fucking sinners."

Lute simply nodded before her, and Adam took back out to the skies, and James closed his eyes in relief. He put a hand to his head to try and suppress his oncoming migraine from the six eyes. He decided to take a quick nap and hopefully wake up in the morning, but not before reinforcing his little hideout with solid dirt he had compacted.

-3 hours later-

James awoke with a yawn, quickly closing his eyes and standing up to earthbend his way out. From the information he got when he opened his eyes, it seemed like there were no exorcists around, except for one.

He quickly got up and went outside and into the alleyway near the warehouse he had been staying in before he saw it: the body of Vaggie, right there in the flesh.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. :) James is about 8'4 in his jujutsu body transformation compared to his normally 5'7 self

(Oi, before you click off I got a Ko-fi. As Joker said "Never do anything you're good at for free." You won't get anything by donating to this, but if you got an extra nickel or 3 you can throw my way i'd appreciate it)
