Approaching Dusk


Dark was approaching.

Its first shadowy hands caressed the roots and the far branches of the trees in a lover's silky touch. I returned my twin swords to the training hall like I did every day after training.

I had been using the blades less and less. All attention had been fully on harnessing the wind, and less on clashing blades. It was easier to use the wind. I could hover already, but ascending was hard, and descending was just impossible.

I relied on Orion to bring me up and down every day, but I was almost there. I could feel it.

The training hall was devoid of people as I wandered into the building, my steps echoing across the empty space. It was the inner room, however, that held company I'd have preferred to avoid.

I darted a quick glance to the door; maybe he had heard me come in, or maybe he had not. But he would hear if I tried to back away right now. So, I settled for walking forward.