Winter's Warmth


I opened the door to the house that had become as familiar as my own, the savory smell of dinner greeting me at the door.

I was just in time.

Rayah and her mother were placing platters of food at the small dining table. I dropped my swords behind the door, and for the first time, I decided to head to training immediately after I was done here.

The air indoors was warm and cozy, enveloping me like a soft blanket, as a fire danced at the makeshift fireplace. The scent of burning wood mingled with the aroma of food, it was an instant relief from the raging cold outside. I removed my hat and mittens, leaving my shawl in place, and heading to the kitchen area where everyone was.

"Good evening," I greeted, dropping my basket in the kitchen area with a curious glance at the array of dishes. "What's the occasion? look at all that food." I exclaimed, my eyes widening in surprise.