Zero lands on Earth, but as soon as he arrives, someone sees him materializing in a forest.

That person is a scientist who talks kindly to Zero.

Zero also finds the scientist likable, and the two become friends.

A month passes, but Zero neither returns to his planet nor contacts anyone.

At first, Helek assumes Zero is enjoying his time on Earth, which is why he hasn't come back.

However, when Ryver also fails to receive any response from Zero after a month, he informs Helek.

When Helek tries to contact Zero, he discovers that Zero has died.

The news shocks Helek deeply, as he never imagined his brother could die.

As the king of planet 00, Helek possesses a unique power: the ability to view the memories of any resident of his planet.

Using this power, Helek sees Zero's memories from the time he arrived on Earth.

What Helek sees changes everything. Rage boils inside him like lava when he learns what happened.