Chapter 55

### Arc 3: The Rise of the Rival

#### Chapter 15: **The Battle of Wits**

The following morning, Jae-min entered the bustling conference room of AstraLux Technologies. His core team—Yeon-hee, Ji-ah, and a few other trusted allies—waited for him, their faces a mix of exhaustion and determination. The fallout from the smear campaign was still fresh, and while they had managed to turn public opinion back in their favor, there was no denying the damage Noah's actions had caused.

"Morning, everyone," Jae-min said, taking his seat at the head of the table. "Let's assess where we stand."

Ji-ah adjusted her glasses, bringing up a digital presentation on the holographic screen. "We've neutralized the bulk of the negative press, but the smear campaign slowed down our rollout. Investors are hesitant, and some are waiting to see if more attacks come."

Yeon-hee chimed in, her voice sharp as always. "Noah's not done. That stunt was just the opening move. He'll escalate, and we need to be ready."

Jae-min leaned back, his fingers steepled. "Let him escalate. He's playing a game of chaos, but chaos is predictable. We need to anticipate his next move and counter before he can strike."


Meanwhile, at Noah Corporation, Noah sat in his office, seething. His plan to tarnish AstraLux's reputation had been exposed, and Jae-min's public response had turned the narrative against him. Soo-min stood nearby, reading a report from their PR team.

"This isn't good," she said, her tone clipped. "Jae-min's already bouncing back. If we don't act fast, we'll lose what little ground we gained."

Noah slammed his fist on his desk, his face a mask of fury. "I won't let that bastard win. He thinks he's untouchable, but everyone has weaknesses. I just need to find his."

Soo-min hesitated before speaking. "There's... another option. We could hit him personally, not just professionally."

Noah's eyes narrowed. "Go on."

"Rumors," she said. "Dig into his personal life. Exploit his relationships. If we can make him look unstable or unreliable as a leader, it'll shake investor confidence."

Noah grinned, a sinister light in his eyes. "Do it. I want his entire life under a microscope. Find something—anything—we can use."


That afternoon, Jae-min met with Yeon-hee and Ji-ah in a more private setting: a secluded rooftop garden. He valued these quieter moments to strategize with his closest allies.

Yeon-hee paced, her sharp heels clicking against the stone tiles. "We should expect an attack on your personal life. Noah's desperate, and desperate men do reckless things."

Ji-ah nodded. "We've already started tightening security on your personal records, but if there's something he can twist, he'll find it."

Jae-min smirked. "Let him look. I've got nothing to hide, and anything he fabricates will backfire."

Elyra materialized beside him, her holographic form flickering slightly. "There's more. My analysis suggests Noah is targeting not just you, but your relationships. He's already monitoring Yeon-hee and Ji-ah, and he's looking for others close to you."

Yeon-hee's expression darkened. "Let him try. He won't find anything."

Ji-ah, however, looked thoughtful. "If he's targeting relationships, we might be able to use that against him."

Jae-min raised an eyebrow. "What are you thinking?"

Ji-ah smiled slyly. "A bait-and-switch. We feed him a false narrative—something too juicy for him to ignore. While he's busy chasing it, we'll gather intel on his next move."

Elyra nodded. "That could work, but it's risky. If he catches on, it could backfire."

Jae-min stood, his decision made. "Let's do it. Noah wants a war of wits? We'll give him one."


The next few days were a whirlwind of careful planning and execution. Ji-ah crafted a believable but fake scandal involving a mysterious investor supposedly linked to Jae-min. The details were planted subtly, in places Noah's spies were sure to find.

At the same time, Elyra worked tirelessly to track Noah's digital footprint, searching for clues about his next move.

Yeon-hee coordinated with the PR team, preparing for any fallout. "If this works, we'll expose Noah's obsession for what it is: baseless paranoia."


In Noah's office, Soo-min burst in, holding a dossier. "We found something. Jae-min's been dealing with a shady investor—someone with ties to illegal activities."

Noah snatched the folder, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. "Finally. This is exactly what we need."

He didn't hesitate. Within hours, the story leaked to the media, painting Jae-min as corrupt and reckless.


But Jae-min was ready. That evening, he held a press conference, flanked by Yeon-hee and Ji-ah. Calm and composed, he addressed the allegations head-on.

"These accusations are false, fabricated by individuals desperate to tarnish my reputation," he said, his voice steady. "And I have proof."

He played a recording Elyra had intercepted—Noah himself discussing the plan with his team. The room erupted as reporters scrambled to update their stories.


Back at AstraLux, the team celebrated their victory. Ji-ah clinked glasses with Yeon-hee, a rare smile on her face. "That was satisfying."

Jae-min leaned against the window, looking out at the city. "Noah's playing checkers. We're playing chess. And I don't lose."

Elyra appeared beside him, her holographic smile soft. "One step closer to your ultimate goal, Jae-min."

He nodded, his resolve stronger than ever. Noah's game wasn't over, but Jae-min was determined to end it on his terms.