This can't be true

"What could Black Industries possibly have to do with my parents?" Nora's mind raced with thoughts. 

"Did they ever work here?"

"Could this be linked to their..." At that moment, her telecom buzzed, interrupting her thoughts.

"Miss Hayes." Ethan's cold voice came through. 

"I expect you to be ready for the lunch meeting. I don't want any disappointment." He said. 

Nora straightened in her chair. 

"Yes, Mr. Black."

"And Miss Hayes?" He called out again. 


"Don't let your personal distractions interfere with this assignment." He told her. His tone held a warning that made her wonder if he had noticed her interest in the file.

"I understand, Mr. Black." She replied assuringly. 

"Good." Ethan said and the line went dead.

Nora took a deep breath, bracing herself. 

"Right now, I have a mission to focus on. I will find a way to check that file later. Definitely." She promised herself, as she gathered her things for the lunch meeting.

As she walked out of the office building later, her phone rang. 

"Girl, I just saw your text! I'm so sorry - work has been insane today." Diana said quickly as Nora accepted the call. 

"What is this text about the job being worse than you imagined? Are you okay?" She added. 

Nora winced, remembering her oath to Ethan. 

"Oh that? I was just being dramatic earlier. It is really nothing abnormal." She replied. 

"You? Dramatic?" Diana asked with a skeptical laugh.

"Come on, Nora. You are the most level-headed person I know. You never exaggerate about anything." She pointed out. 

"Really, Di. I might have just been angry when I sent that text." Nora tried to joke and dismissed the subject.

"Nope, not buying it. Something is up. Let's grab dinner and you can tell me everything." Diana proposed. 

"No, not tonight. I'm actually on my way to a work assignment." Nora responded. 

"They are working you this late already? It's your first day!" Diana's voice rose with concern. 

Nora let out a forced laugh. 

"With what they are paying me? I really couldn't care less about the hours." She said. 

"I know right but you sound different... stressed. This isn't like you at all." Diana pointed out. 

"I've got to go, Di. The client is waiting. I will call you later." Nora promised hurriedly. 

"You better do. And whatever is going on, just... be careful, okay?" Diana said and the call ended with that. 


The following morning, Nora arrived as early as possible but still met Ethan in his office. 

"He really is diligent! I like that for him." Nora thought to herself as she walked into Ethan's office with steady steps.

"Good morning, Mr Black." She greeted him then placed the recording pen on his desk. 

"Mission accomplished, sir." She informed him. 

Ethan's eyes sparkled with satisfaction as he picked up the pen. 

"Good! I expected nothing less, Miss Hayes." He replied firmly. 

"Really?" Nora couldn't help asking as he sounded so confident.

"Because yesterday you seemed pretty adamant about not wanting any disappointment. I thought you weren't really sure I could pull it off." She explained. 

At that, a smirk crept up Ethan's lips. 

"I find that people perform better under pressure." He said. Nora nodded in agreement then hesitated for a moment before gathering her courage. 

"What are you going to do to him?" She inquired curiously. 

"What do you think?" Ethan countered. 

"Are you going to kill him like the other man?" Nora blurted out the words before she could stop them.

But to her surprise, Ethan actually laughed. Not his usual cold chuckle, but a genuine laugh that transformed his face.

"Kill him? Miss Hayes, I have never literally killed anyone. And I don't plan to start now." He maintained. 

Nora stared at him in disbelief. 

"But... what about Mr. Collins? And the Tems holdings' CEO? Everyone says-" She was saying. 

"Everyone says a lot of things." He cut her off smoothly. 

"It is amazing how rumors can take on a life of their own, isn't it?" Ethan added. 

"So you have never...?" Nora wasn't still convinced but he interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. 

"Although what I do to them is far worse than death, Miss Hayes." He said. Then his voice had turned cold again and Nora furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 

"Don't think I have suddenly become human. As long as I'm a businessman aiming to succeed, I can't afford that luxury." He maintained sharply. 

Before Nora could process his words, he pulled out a black card and slid it across the desk.

"What is this?" She asked, confused by the sudden change in topic.

"Your reward for a job well done. Use it to get anything you want. Go shopping, pay some bills." He replied simply. 

"I can't accept this." Nora shook her head, pushing the card back.

"You will. Get something for your grandmother too. The surgery tomorrow is a big deal, isn't it?" He added even though his expression remained stoic. 

Nora's mouth fell open. 

"How did you-" She wanted to ask how he knew that. 

"Take tomorrow off. Your grandmother's operation is scheduled for 9 AM. You should be there." He continued as if she hadn't spoken. 

Nora stared at him, completely thrown aback. 

"But... I never told anyone here about the surgery..." She pressed on. 

"I told you I make it my business to know everything about my employees, Miss Hayes. Especially the important ones." He stated dismissively. 

Nora stood there, frozen, clutching the black card in her hand. Her mind was racing. 

"This man who supposedly ruin lives for breakfast, who has just admitted to doing things 'worse than death' to his enemies, has not only noticed my grandma's surgery but is giving me time off to be there?"

"Yet he says he isn't human..." Nora mumbled under her breath, studying his impassive face as he reviewed his documents. 

"How can someone so cruel and ruthless be this... considerate and kind?" She thought curiously.