As they got outside, Ethan was very worried looking at her. 

"What happened, Nora, Why did you have to drag me like that through the crowd?" Ethan asked with her eyes furrowing. 

"A security came telling me that you were looking for me, I found it suspicious at first but when I was coming inside, I saw a man who grabbed me really hard, I had to try all my possible best to break free from him." Nora explained. 

"Did you see his face and that of the security?" Ethan asked as his eyes widened. 

"I saw the security but I didn't see the other man because I was rushing." She replied. 

"Hope he didn't hurt you in anyway? We just have to be very careful here, many eyes are on us, you just have to stay beside me always, don't leave my side okay?" He asked with his tone commanding. 

"Okay, noted I won't." She responded as both of them were going back to the ballroom. 
