"Why not? Because it is not convenient for you? Because it makes you part?"

"I'm trying to protect you, Nora. You don't understand how dangerous this is." Ethan said as his eyes was wide with anger.

"Then help me understand! Stop shutting me out and tell me the truth." Nora pleaded.

"I don't know everything. But if Henry is involved, I will deal with it."

Ethan hesitated, his expression was in a battle.

"That is not good enough, I need to know I can trust you, Ethan. Right now, I'm not sure I can." Nora said, her voice was really trembling.

The Black Industries boardroom was a very big space,

Ethan sat at the head of the table, his posture was very rigid and his expression was so unreadable. 

To his right sat Henry, who looked as much composed as ever, though there was a little tightness in his jaw that Ethan notice as well.