As the car skidded to a stop, Nora's heart was racing with fear. Marcus was standing on the side of the road, his eyes locked onto hers.

Dr. Taylor's eyes met Marcus's in the rearview mirror, and she knew they had to act fast. "Get down!" she shouted, pushing Nora and Ethan down into the seats.

Nora felt a bullet whiz past her head, shattering the window behind her. She screamed, covering her head with her hands.

Ethan pulled her down, shielding her with his body. "Stay down!" he shouted.

Dr. Taylor floored it, speeding away from Marcus and his henchmen. The car screeched around corners, throwing Nora and Ethan from side to side.

Finally, they reached the safe house, a nondescript building in a deserted alley. Dr. Taylor pulled up to the door and shouted, "Out! Now!"

Nora and Ethan tumbled out of the car, gasping for breath. Dr. Taylor grabbed Nora's arm, pulling her towards the door.