Admissions Test

"Chief, please sort those papers by the end of the day." The receptionist says, planting a humongous pile of papers on his desk. 

"Yeah, yeah." 


In the breakroom, he scans his thumb into the digital clock; "Stephen" it says on the screen. "The system has clocked you out." the clock says. Taking a deep sigh, he organizes his stuff into his locker and shuts it. His co-worker comes by, patting him on the back. "Hey, Chief, recently I heard you scored big on catching Douglas Brickston! How did you manage to catch a guy we've been looking for ages by now?"

Stephen looks at him, unamused. "It doesn't matter. He's in jail, rotting away." Stephen takes his keys and leaves his co-worker standing there, unanswering to his question.

At the airship station, his ride is coming up soon. "Serro District, Serro District". The airship station announced. People flock to the landing port; one by one they form a line. After getting his ticket read, Stephen steps onto the airship and takes his seat. The airship takes off, ascending into the skies. As he sits there with his miserable scowl, he sighs. "Nothing matters."


The streets were packed with hundreds of people walking into the Hyverse Stadium. A person announces out loud, saying, "All participants, please form a line right here so you can gain entry." Seeing this, Harold gave Mina a tiny shove. "That's your queue, Mina. Good luck." He told her, smiling. "Oh yeah, reminder, if your opponent is a dude, kick them in the nuts, it'll be an easy win." Harold reminded, giving a confident thumbs up. "R-Right... I'll do just as instructed." Mina said, proceeding to the line. 

Shannon smiled, seeing her set off into the Admissions Test. "Even though I only knew her for a few days, I feel so proud of her as a father!" Harold walked off into the spectator's entrance, motioning his hand to his father. "Come on, let's get the front row seats!"

Meanwhile, someone designated Mina to a huge chamber within the stadium holding hundreds of people. It was packed and noisy as everyone talked to each other. Anxiously fiddling with her fingers, Mina tried to look for a peaceful spot. As she walked, many eyes loomed over her, as if they were analyzing her very wellbeing. "W-Why do people keep looking at me...?" Mina says, profusely sweating. As she reached the corner of the room, she balls up, people still staring at her. Sorrow emerged in her hand, speaking to Mina. "Look at everyone in the room and look at yourself. Do you see the drastic difference in clothing?"

Everyone's clothing was finely woven and in pristine condition. Compared to Mina's basic dress, she stood out as if she was a commoner amongst kings. "I think this dress is fine though..." Mina says, tugging on her dress. Seeing Mina nonchalantly not recognize the biggest thing in the room perplexed Sorrow. "Not to mention, Mina is incredibly cute..." Her aura glistens compared to the rest of the room, making people give unpleasant stares at her.

Sitting there, waiting, a voice is heard from the megaphones in the room. "Hello everybody, can you all hear me?" It was the voice of Harlibue, the vice-principal of the school. Everyone in that room came to silence as the voice echoed in the chambers. "You all will be participating in battles to evaluate your combat skill. This will be necessary for the second stage of the admissions test." Talks of curiosity arose in the room, wondering what the battle will be. Mina had the chills go up her spine, intimidated by the thought of her first actual fight. "I only have around a day of training... this isn't good at all." Sorrow rattled, seeing her discouraged state. "Listen, as long as that information is still fresh in your mind, you'll do fine! Now don't embarrass me in such an unladylike way!" Mina gave off a weak nod, almost pitiful to see her in such a state.

A bright light flashed underneath all participants. Noise erupt as the sudden change had surprised everyone. Mina trembled in fear, anxious of what's to come. "W-What's going on?!" Mina asked. Sorrow who thoroughly analyzed the situation had come to a slick conclusion. "It appears to be a teleportation machine." Then, Mina had been teleported into a white void. It was quiet and echoed loudly. "What's this?" Mina asked, standing up. "The teleportation machine had sent you to some alternate plane." Sorrow answered, observing the area. 

"A teleportation machine sent me here?"

"Yes, it seems technology has only improved last time I had consciousness. Something like this was in the works, but it was never finalized when I was around. Seeing it in action is quite impressive."

Cutting off Sorrow's explanation was a clockwork who twirled a wooden pole. Mina shuddered, seeing the intimidating lifeless creature walk toward her. "I-Is this going to be the battle portion of the test?!" Then, the clockwork had rushed towards her with the pole, catching her off-guard. "G-Gah!" She ducked under the swinging pole and slashed at the clockwork's stomach with Sorrow. As the clockwork jolted back, it mechanically staggered in place, feeling the wound that was placed upon it. Its fingers rummaged through the cut, feeling against Sorrow's deep corrosive acid that ate away at its bronze and steel parts. "Now, while it's distracted, throw Ruin at it!" Sorrow commanded. Mina nodded, summoning her second Artifact, Ruin. Ruin blazed in her hand, seeping out harsh flames of hellfire. With its crimson, sharp design, Mina threw Ruin straight at the wound that Sorrow created, penetrating deep inside the clockwork. "Burn." came out of Mina's mouth in a deep tone as she watched the clockwork melt due to the heat that Ruin produced. 

Sorrow clapped inside her head, happy that the outcome was good. "Great job Mina, you're almost like a natural warrior! You're growing to be into such a proper lady!" Mina dug her fingers within the melted remains of the clockwork, taking Ruin back. But she couldn't stop yet as another clockwork emerged from the void. This time, the clockwork did something unexpected. It swiped its fingers across the wooden pole they carry, making a white glow on it. "What did it just do?!" Mina asked, pointing at the clockwork.

"Seems like it used an enchant inscription."

"Enchant inscription?! What's that?"

"Using technology, humans have developed a way to create supernatural phenomena using inscriptions. An enchant inscription allows them to apply an enchant to objects. The enchant could be many things, but looking at that white glow, it seems like this is a fortification enchant."

"How is that even possible with technology?"

"I believe it had something to do with some source of energy in the air... it's been decades since I've last awakened, so I cannot remember fully."

Mina then readied her two daggers. "Then I'll quickly dispose of this clockwork!" She did a powerful leap towards the clockwork, ready to swing her two daggers. The clockwork, seeing this, stepped to the side. "Eh?" Mina said, seeing her trajectory be directed into the floor. "W-Wait, you can't just do that!" Mina dropped onto the ground as the clockwork stood in silence, watching Mina fail horribly. Then, the clockwork pulled Mina by the hair, revealing her bleeding nose and her teary eyes. In the grip of the clockwork, it used its other hand to punch Mina in the face, disorienting her. As she began to sob from her beatdown, Sorrow screamed out to her. "You fool, stop crying and destroy this contraption already!" 

That's when they were suddenly teleported back. Mina writhed on the floor, balled up in pain. Meanwhile, the other students were all in excitement after their matches. As numbers suddenly appeared above everybody's heads, Harlibue's voice echoed throughout the chambers once again. "I have ranked you all according to your current combat capabilities. With this, we'll be going onto the next stage." 

The number 500 floated on top of Mina's head. Sorrow noticing this had a wonder. "Is bigger the number better or worse?" Then, a leaderboard ascended down from the walls of the room, showing a list of names set against each other. "Your rank will determine your current position in strength. Starting from one, all the way down to five hundred. Lower your number is in position; the weaker you are compared to the others in this room." Sorrow released a scream of shock. "What!? M-Mina, you're at five hundred, meaning you're the weakest here!" Mina still didn't react as her face was in incredible pain.

Harlibue then added a terrifying fact on top of that. "On this leaderboard, your opponent is the person right next to your name. Their rank is displayed right in front of their name."

Sorrow was speechless reading the leaderboard. Up at the very top, Mina was put up against the number one person there. "N-No way... WHY ARE YOU UP AGAINST THE STRONGEST PERSON HERE?! They're ranked one while you're ranked five hundred!"

Everyone in the room looked at both competitors. The number one ranked person was a gorgeous woman in a dress, silver hair that shined against the headlights of the room. Every movement was etched in beauty as she walked over to Mina, still curled up in a ball. "So, is this pitiful pup, my opponent? How disappointing." She said, watching Mina. "My name is Esmeralda Yaltan, and I'm part of one of the most wealthy families of this city."

The talks around the room grew loud. 

"No way, it's THAT Esmeralda?"

"S-She's gorgeous, bro..."

"I heard their family could buy Mount Kiban four times in a row with their wealth!"

Mina didn't respond, she only trembled in pain. This caused Esmeralda to raise her tone. "I introduced myself; isn't it rude to not introduce yourself back?!"

Mina unfolded her arms to look up at Esmeralda, her face bruised and bloodied. The sight was ugly and disappointing for people, leaving questions to arise. 

"No way; was she the only one who lost to those clockworks? Those were level 1 clockworks!"

"What a pathetic sight; I sense no strength from her..."

"Why are they matching up Esmeralda against this trash?"

Everyone's words stung, pressuring Mina even more. Mina wanted to pass, just so she could be someone special in Harold's eyes. She didn't want to appear useless and pathetic; she was scared. Yet, in this test, her fears were reawakening. The exact words that she feared were being said to her on the spot. With everyone piling up these words onto Mina, she broke down wailing like a crybaby. "UWWWWAHHHHHHHHHH, I WANT TO SEE HAROLD AGAIN! WAAAAHHHHHHHHH" She flailed her arms and legs on the floor in a tantrum, Sorrow silent in the pure embarrassment. The pathetic sight held much awkwardness in the room, especially for Esmeralda. "W-What is she doing..."

Meanwhile, in the spectators' crowd, Harold leaned back in his chair right next to his father sleeping. "Wow, I'm excited to see Mina destroy these guys!" Harold told Konge with a strong confidence.

Konge squinted his eyes, suspicious at what's going on. "How are you this confident in her? I bet she couldn't even hurt a fly!"

Harold smiled. "I'll just believe in her; don't worry!"

Konge sighed. "You're so nice to her now after the training; why is that?"

"Well, I can't baby her to be stronger; I had to go rough if I wanted her to succeed."

"Even then, you're super confident in her! In my eyes, she's not worthy to even be a common foot soldier!" 

Harold chuckled and gave a thumbs up. "Don't worry, I know she can do it!"

Laying against Harold's neck, Konge let out another tired sigh. "Oh well-" His eyes widened in surprise. "Harold, I just sensed someone place a powerful inscription around this stadium!"

"An inscription? What do you mean?" He asked, confused. Everyone in the stadium didn't notice, nor did Harold. 

"It appears to be hidden; not even the guards in this stadium notice. Harold, if you don't act now, everyone here will die! We must go now!"

Harold quickly stood up, his coat blowing with the winds. "Alright, I won't doubt you, Konge. Tell me where is this inscription is at." 

"It's underneath the stadium; you need to find a way to get there!" 

Harold nodded, feeling out his mask underneath his coat. "Alright then, let's go!" 

In the security cameras, Harlibue smiled, watching both Mina and Harold. A guardsman emerged from behind, notifying him of the upcoming dangers. "Sir, the clockworks have detected an inscription in the vicinity. Shall we take appropriate action?"

Harlibue grinned, watching Harold scurry off. "Nope, you don't need to do anything."

"Lets see if he was just all talk in what he said before..."