A World Full Of Idiots

The year is 5244 and by the time you're reading this, humans have made no progression in society at all. In fact, all the smart people in society have either died or turned into one of the dumb ones who just sit on the ol' phone all day. And your probably thinking, "Whoever is saying this must be some type of genius." And your right—I AM. My name is SOB442, stupid name right? Well everyone is named like that nowadays. Quick example, my friend TFR100 that's a name you'll see all the time now. Everyone is an idiot I feel like I'm the only one who is thirsty for knowledge, They even stopped school. The world is the EXACT same. All city's and countries. New York? The same, Boston? Still the same, Cape Town? Still the same, Apple? Everyone has it nowadays no one uses any other phone brand, People still watch looping cat videos on YouTube. All you can think of it's the exact same. And everyone is glued to their screen, no one uses the tv it's banned in most houses. Everyone just texts each other to communicate, some people like my friend TFR100 don't even know how to speak the English language. He only knows how to text, And he has a bad habit where he sends dumb emojis in serious situations. For example, When my grandmother MFB435 had passed, I sent a message to him saying that I can't text because I'm mourning. And he responded with a skull and laughing emoji. I'm guessing he thought the laughing emoji meant crying because he uses it almost all the time! No one knows about history everyone finds something out on their phones. And nowadays their making "infinite portable chargers" basically a portable charger that never dies.

Now your probably wondering how I know all this, and why I'm so different. To understand, we need to go back to the beginning—the point where humanity's brain went on pause, and the beginning of my search for answers.