Vanessa’s Resolve

Vanessa? Serene's state of confusion quickly turned into one of anger.

Vanessa! Was Ethan mistaking her for his useless wife?! And was she the reason why he was like this?!

She clenched her jaw. Even now when they're about to get divorced Vanessa still found a way to ruin her day.

"Are you seriously still going on about her?" Serene couldn't hold herself back especially when she saw the look of pain that flashed Ethan's face.

"It's me, Serene, not that bitch."

Her words were sharp, like the tip of a knife and the mere sound of her voice seemed to snap Ethan out of whatever trance he was in.

He blinked In confusion, his fingers stopping their work on her cheek as he could now clearly recognize the figure in front of him.

It was Serene, not Vanessa.

But how could he have mistaken the two. The person he loved clearly was Serene, but then, why had he thought her to be Vanessa?

The very person who made his blood boil.