Unexpected Captivity

Although it wasn't the first time hearing Michael confess his feelings, hearing those words come out of his mouth again, with his skin pressed flat against hers, had Vanessa's heart beating wildly and her cheeks coloring red at a rapid pace.

At the point, she couldn't deny the attraction that existed between Michael and her. When had it began?

Was it back at Red room? Or was it before, when they first met at the cafe. Whatever the case may have been, she had already come to terms with the fact that she harbored a great deal of feelings towards Michael and that scared her.

Apart from the things she saw and read in newspapers and the tiny chats she and Michael had, she knew nothing about him.

Nothing about the motives behind his feelings.

She bit on the inside of her lip. As much as she would love to believe that Michael's feelings for her was genuine, God sent in her case, she couldn't being herself to, not after what Ethan had done.