Fractured Ties And Hidden Motives

"Huh? Where's Aditya?" She glanced around, waiting for someone to speak up.

"He stepped out for a while, said I should inform him once lunch is ready."

Mirabelle spoke up, scoffing when she realized how arrogant Her younger sibling's words sounded.

"Call him when lunch is ready?"

"It's alright, I'll get him." Vanessa said and walked out of the dining room.

She headed for the first door she saw hope, the lower balcony door and hoped that he'd be there.

Her prayers were answered when she stepped closer to the door and caught whiff of the scent of cigarettes.

"Aditya Reeds," She said his name in a scolding manner as she stepped out into the balcony.

"Didn't you say you quit?"

"I did." Aditya pulled the stick out of his mouth and threw it to the floor, crushing it lit up part with his brown boots.

"But once in a while, when I'm stressed like this, I smoke a stick or two."

Vanessa gave him a pointed look.