Beneath The Surface

Vanessa was surprised the next day when she arrived at the station, all the officers present treated her like royalty.

"Ms. Reeds, please seat here!"

"Ms. Reeds, please have a drink!"

"Is the room temperature to your liking, Ms. Reeds?"

She had wanted to decline their offerings, but the moment she opened her mouth, the head officer had given a firm order for them to not let her lift a single finger.

"Here Ms. Reeds, we'll handle the rest."

"Thank you." She replied, speaking for the first time since she got here.

"But, do you all know why I'm here?"

The whole room fell silent at her question and the officers each glanced at one another, suddenly realizing that in the midst of all the fuss going on, they had indeed forgotten to ask why Vanessa had showed up. The look of confusion on their faces were so hilarious, Vanessa couldn't help but sniffle a laugh.