Enemies At Every Turn

Seeing the video as it played, Vanessa felt like a cold bucket of water had just washed away the sleep in her eyes.

She shut up from the bed, staring disbelieving at the post and it's title; Dramatic Wife Exposed For Her True Colors!

How was this possible? Did the owner at Red Room rat them out?

'No,' She discarded that one thought, knowing fully well that scarlet wouldn't rat them out, at least not so easily. So then, how was this video circulating?

Vanessa didn't get the chance to find the answer to that question as the very next second, the door bell downstairs went off.

The sound had her body stiffening because she knew only her family members had access to the gate codes.

Cursing at how quick they were to catch up on things when it concerned her, Leonica scrambled out of her bed and rushed down the stairs, flinging the door open to come face to face with Her mother and Mirabelle.
