Uncharted Hearts

Ever and willing to go along with the flow that is life.

"Somewhere peaceful." She mused and after a while, a picture was painted in her head.

"How about Bora Bora?"

Michael didn't need to think twice because he was ready to go wherever it was that Vanessa wanted to. So he nodded his head and said.

"Bora Bora it is then."

"Bora Bora?" Lorraine questioned with a tilt of her head that same night when she came over to visit Vanessa.

The latter, who was currently packing light for she and Michael three days vacation in the next few days nodded her head.

"Yeah, but it's only for a few days." She answered, folding a shirt and putting it in the luggage.

Lorraine, who was seated at the edge of her bed, watching her pack, shook her head.

"No, I don't mean the destination, I mean, the fact that you and Michael are going together. You two really are moving shit at mock speed."