The words that were uttered from Vanessa's lips were so soft and almost breathless that for a second, Michael was certain that he was imagining things.
But when her gaze didn't waver and the way her hands held onto his neck tightly, told him otherwise.
She had uttered those words, every single syllable of it loud and clear. And she sounded determined.
"Be my boyfriend." She repeated after a few seconds of silence and Watched as Michael's brows went up and his eyes wide.
He certainly had not expected this.
Sure, he was planning on asking her to become his, but he had not expected her to ask him.
That certainly was an interesting turn of event. But he was happy nonetheless, so much that he had to restrain himself from lifting her off the floor and spinning her around in his joy.
"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend, Ms. Reeds?" Michael asked softly, but Vanessa could clearly hear his voice above the music.