Wrath In Waiting

Although she could not stand up and pace the room as she waited for Mirabelle to answer the phone, Vanessa knew she was screwed, because the last time something like this had happened, Mirabelle had gone all red on her.

But you see, the last time was different. One being that she had snuck out of their resort with Aditya and the second being that she had stayed within the bounds of the percentage her family owned on Necker island. But this was a totally different case. Firstly being because she was not with Aditya, but rather with the man Mirabelle had

warned her against and didn't show any sign of warming up to.

And secondly because she wasn't in Michigan, their home town, or Manhattan where she lived or even their family resort on Necker island, but rather in Bora Bora. In Michael Hayes' residence.

So yeah, the circumstances were very different, and she knew that it would be a miracle if after the call ended she still had her ears in one piece.