"Vanessa, I beg of you, please save my son!" Ruth pleaded, stunning both Vanessa and Lorraine with her words.
The two exchanged looks before Lorraine spoke up.
"That bastard is sick? I thought he was immune to this type of things considering the way he shamelessly wronged Vanessa.'
"What's wrong with him?"
Vanessa acted, not even single bit concerned about Ethan, but rather curious to know his condition. Did he perhaps contract STD from Serene? Or was it AIDS?
"He's not sick?" Ruth answered, her voice sounding strained.
"Pardon?" Vanessa and Lorraine chorused, once again having to exchange looks.
"I think I should remind you, Ruth, I'm a doctor, I can only help those in physical need." Vanessa reminded, although she didn't have any plans of treating Ethan.
"I know, but that's not why I came to you. Ethan isn't sick, but only you can save him from the slump he has fallen into."