Back track to how the whole thing had started. Vanessa woke up and started her day as usual. By the end of breakfast, she had come up with an idea on what to get Katherine before their meeting some time around lunch.
She had gone with a flower basket, full of the prettiest flowers she could find in the store and the best part was that the entire set came with a small note where she had written her name and signed it.
"This should be enough." She had told herself when the cashier handed her the receipt for the flowers.
When she got to work, she made sure to keep her lunch time free so that she could rush into her office, get changed and meet up with Katherine the moment she spotted the elderly woman stepping into the premises of her hospital.
"Wow, love really does make you go over board, at time." Lorraine commented after Vanessa had told her the half of her plan, but made sure to keep the fact that she was meeting with Katherine, secret.