Knock Knock!
The sound of someone knocking against his office door had Michael's eyes flickering away from the paper work he was currently attending to.
"Come in," He called out and watched as the door came open and in walked Bobby.
"What is it?"
Approaching his table, Bobby dropped off a brown envelope on his table. The envelope's contents contained what he was about to speak of.
"Logan dropped off today's report on Ethan Bennett. Until noon he had remained at his mother's residence, then he stepped out and..." He hesitated.
"What?" Michael asked.
"He visited Ms. Reeds hospital."
That caused his eyes to darken, a harsh glare etching itself into the one vibrant blue of his eyes.
"What?" Bobby found himself gulping dry air down as he tried to stay calm.
"And what happened after that?"
"Logan can't say for sure, but when Ethan Bennett stepped out, he looked like he was in pain and kept holding his crotch area."