Chapter 33 [Destruction of Istanbul Part 6. Plan]

[Where all the main players are right now]

Natsuki Kazama - Currently compromised by 400 Ÿuígn, 5 Rock Avatars, and 1 potential Incendium Ÿuígn on main street.

Xavier Kael - Unconscious in the ruins of the Old Embassy

Shijima Teika - Unconscious near the ruins of the Old Embassy

Zero (Atar Ertugrul) - Recovering above the ruins of the Old Embassy

Alexi - Fighting a Rock Avatar in the middle of some apartments near Main Street.

Yung Thugga (Amani) (The other person with the Silver Transformation) - On a plane to Istanbul.

Commander Black - On a Jet to Istanbul.


Xavier and Kazama defeat Golge Kurt and Layla Kurt, 4th and 5th Commander of Kal Katal, in the Old Embassy. Zero, Leader of Kal Katal, arrives where the unconscious boys are. He delimbs Xavier when Kazama gives him and himself a Healing Potion.

Zero and Kazama fight a short fight, when Shijima Teika arrives after taking out the remaining 3 commanders of Kal Katal. Teika wants to negotiate for the Yong'un Seng early. But Zero is set on the leader of the Kurokawa-kai to carry it out first.

Zero and Teika get in a fight, Kazama joins while Xavier stays out of it. It's mainly a fight between Zero and Teika as Kazama is so weak comparatively. But after accidentally killing hundreds of civilians, and seeing a child get trampled to death by civilians running away, he gets an 'Anger Boost' which puts him on equal terms with Teika, and above Zero.

Teika launches a massive attack at Kazama, Kazama destroys half of it, but half the city is destroyed from the attack. Teika carves a hole in Kazama's stomach, Kazama does the same. After popping a Health Potion, Kazama loses track of Teika, who is fighting Zero.

The 3 commanders wake up and ambush Xavier, Cyndie puts Xavier in a domain where he is sexually tortured for 30 weeks straight. Xavier goes a bit insane and he brutally murders Cyndie, paralyzes Wei, and turns Bruce's head into mush.

Kazama looks for him, but finds a kid who cries, and a Ÿuígn decapitates the kid. Kazama is getting destroyed by the Ÿuígn so badly that he gets impaled through his right side.

Commander Black watches Zero use white heat, and Xavier join the Teika vs Zero fight, so he decides to go to Istanbul.

Kazama watches as the Ÿuígn eats the kid. It then eats both of Kazama's arms, and his left leg. Then Alexi, Zero's brother, kills it in one attack. Kazama needs to keep Alexi from Zero as much as possible. After being healed, a Rock Avatar attacks them, Alexi fights it as Kazama runs away.

Teika defeats Xavier with an anger boost, but also falls unconscious.

Kazama stumbles upon a portal to the heat realm, 400 Ÿuígn, 5 Heat Avatars, and 1 big Ÿuígn which might be an Incendium.

[Recap Complete]

"Huh, interesting." Zero says while he absorbs the info he just receives, "Wait… A possible incendium!?" As soon as he realises this he dashes towards main street.

He can see, over the houses, the hordes of Ÿuígn. "Jesus… It's as far as the eye can see." Then he spots Kazama hiding, terrified. Zero lands next to him. "Ah!" "Shhh! Idiot. You know we'll all have to work together to get that thing back into the heat realm?" Kazama calms down from the jump scare, "Yeah, but we need Teika and Xavier as well." "damn, they're both knocked out. I have this brother, Ale-" "No!" Kazama blurts out, and all of the Ÿuígn look that way.

Zero grabs Kazama and they sneak on top of the roof of a house. "What's wrong with getting my brother!?" "You have the blue screeny thing as well, right?" Kazama asks to confirm his suspicion, "Yeah, I have the Console." "Well it gave me a mission, and if you two meet, I get 'tortured' and do you really want Alexi instead of me? Sure, he's as strong as a bull, but can he be organised in a plan? No." "Oh yeah, the recap told me that. And he's fighting a Rock Avatar right now, right?' "Yes… How did you know that?" "Don' matter. Well, let's get drawing up a plan." "Right."

20 Minutes Later

"Just to be clear, once we get this thing done with, I'm killing you." Kazama ascertains, "I second that…"




"So, here's the plan." Kazama listens intently. "So since you absolutely reek of Heat, you'll be the one to close the gate." "How?" "What? You can't do this?" Zero shoots out a blue hand from his original, clearly made of Heat. "No…" Zero clearly is fed up, but he knows he has to do this.

"Ok, so… Basically you gather up all of the Heat into your palm, and just release it." "like this?" Kazama shoots out a blast of Heat, "No, that's just one blast, you want to constantly release it, so it's a column." "won't I run out?" "Trust me, just by smelling you I can tell you won't." Kazama shoots out a pillar of heat with no fingers. "Ok, so at the start, you also want to release it out of your fingers, then move down to your palm." Kazama does it perfectly.

"Ok, now that that's done, Me and Teika will be the brute force pushing the beast back into the heat realm." He ponders what Xavier should do for a second, "and your friend will fend off all of the Flagra while we do this." "And, what happens after?" "If we succeed, we will defeat all of the fodder Flagra. And then we get back to business. We're lucky, the big bastard is asleep. So once those sleepy heads wake up, we put the plan into action!"




Alexi finishes ripping off the Rock Avatar's head. "Huff, Huff, Thi vant Thoo kell fat thir." Translation [I want to kill that Sir.]