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"Ew!" Tiana and Janet simultaneously said.

I stood up with help from Janet while Tiana just stared looking disgusted.

"Are you ok?" Janet asked me as she patted my back.

"Yes. Absolutely great" I said sarcastically as I watched my breakfast swirl in blood. I had to consciously stop myself from not throwing up again.

"We should leave!" Janet told me

"I agree" I replied

"We can't," Tiana said

"Why not?" Janet asked

"There are police cars everywhere. We'll be caught in less than a minute" Tiana said looking worried and in pain. Now she had to hold her bleeding arm to withstand the pain.

"Leave it to me. I'll take care of the police while you guys make it to Jane, I'll meet you at the gate, got it?" Janet asked

"Got it!" Tiana said weakly

Janet took a deep breath before walking up to the policemen. As she did, she removed her jacket, revealing a lot of skin underneath. Immediately, I knew what she had in mind. As she sashayed, her jeans, which were like a second skin, followed her movements, catching the attention of every man in the area.

"Hey, boys! I hope you don't mind giving a little missy like me a little help," Janet said and leaned on a police car. They ran over to her, forgetting the one job they had to do.

"Of course not" One policeman quickly replied.

"Anything you need," another said enthusiastically

"What if they try to -" I tried talking to Tiana, but she put her hand over my mouth.

"Shut up! Are you trying to get us caught?! Janet knows what she's doing" She dragged me behind a large bush as a pair of security guards joined the group of frenzied men and went over to see Janet. I felt even more worried for Janet, but I had to leave with Tiana.

We continued to move around unnoticed until we finally reached the gate of the mansion. The small block for the security guards looked empty so we entered it to wait for Janet.

I looked around the room until I finally saw an old shirt lying on a chair. I carried it to the restroom and soaked it under the faucet before using it to wipe down Tiana's arm. Now that we weren't on the run, Tiana lay tiredly on the bed, beads of sweat running down her face. I couldn't imagine how much pain she'd been going through.

 She grimaced when the cloth touched the wound, a deep bullet hole that had gone straight through her arm and was bleeding out violently. I wanted to cry for her. After clearing the blood and dirt that had covered her arm, it was clear that the wound was infected.

"It's bad, isn't it?" Tiana asked

"No! No! Of course not." I lied

I had to think quickly and immediately started searching for a first aid box when I heard a commotion coming from outside the room. I looked outside the window and saw nothing at first but soon as they ran towards us faster and faster, I noticed Janet being chased by the group of men. Upon closer inspection, her top and fists were stained with blood and I realized that she must have gotten physical with the men. The thought of Janet with her little petite pear-shaped body throwing punches at full-grown trained men eluded me. She kept gesturing towards something, and as soon as I realized what she meant I ran back in to get Tiana.

"Tiana, we need to go!" to my surprise she was already out the door and running towards the gate. I hastily followed up to catch up with her.

 She was already at the gate and put in a code. The gate slowly opened, and she ran through and called to Janet and me. I ran through and Tiana punched in another code making the gate quickly begin to close.

"Janet come on!" I screamed to her.

She increased her speed, but the gates were getting too low. My heart skipped a beat as a policeman suddenly lunged and grabbed at her hair, pulling both of them to the ground. Fear overtook me but a sudden rush of adrenaline did the same and before I knew what I was doing I had punched a policeman in the nose, helped Janet up and we were both running towards the gate while kicking and punching anyone that got in our way. Tiana held up the gate as her arm bled even worse than before. I could almost feel her pain as she grunted under the strain of the still-closing iron gates. Janet and I were at the other side of the gate in the next three seconds and it abruptly slammed shut the moment Tiana let go from under it. She smashed the box for codes and it immediately started sparking as a reaction to the blood all over it. 

 As if the universe had timed it, a car sped by us.

"Quick get in!" a boyish girl screamed to us.

I ran into the back with Janet and Tiana ran to the front. The person stepped on it and we quickly left the scene.

After about an hour's silence, Tiana finally said

"Jane, where are we going? This isn't the way to the airport!"

"We're not going to the airport, we're going to the hospital and then to my place to fix up that arm and after that, we're going to find the person behind this entire operation," Jane said matter-of-factly.

"Jane we've talked about this" Janet said to her "I know it hurts but we can't do anything about it except stay safe. We're just a bunch of kids. We can't stop them"

"Yes, we can! All we need to do is find the man on top, kill him, and end this freak show. They can't keep doing this. We can't allow them. Look how many families like us are getting hurt, Janet. Think of Dad"

On hearing a mention of their father, a gloom spread over Janet's face.

"Umm, wait what?!" I was confused

"Oh yeah. Welcome to the gang. I'm Jane. You've already met Janet and of course your very own sister Tiana and we - that means you included - are the people who are going to stop @$$%*!#$ like your parents from harming others" Jane casually said to me.

What had I gotten myself into?!