Chapter 8: A New Kind of Partnership

John and Emma agreed to relive a past commitment with each other and try to merge their

worlds to a degree neither had thought possible. John with his business acumen and powerful

connections was a master at spotting opportunities and made his way and created impact in

incales. What Emma brought to this work was an authenticity that John's didn't have, an

understanding of what community needed and a compassion about the work that came from

being very present. They both embarked out on to develop initiatives which will benefit society,

and out of that, they discovered a perfect synergy between the two that improved their

relationship and their position as well.

1. Merging Vision and Influence

And their first joint venture was a program to give job training and mentorship to underserved

community types. Through the use of SnowCorp resources they provided internships, skill

building workshops and networking events to people interested in changing their lives. John's

business contacts and insight opened doors, and Emma's hands on experience kept the program

real, empathetic and effective. Her involvement loaned the initiative a depth that was never really

visible in other corporate social responsibility efforts.

John and I worked side by side and as I listened more I needed to release some of those rigid

strategies that had once defined me. Emma's passion and dedication to actually help people

really up and not just make their numbers impressed him. Being able to see where Emma's vision

could be amplified with the right resources and support was eye opening for Emma. She began to

wonder at the sharp mind John had, and started to admire the complexity of his decisions, even

when they looked purely profit driven. In working together they began to realize how taking an

empathetic, rather than an efficiency only approach, could make for useful change.

2. A Positive Shift at SnowCorp

The only key partnership that both breathed life into John's relationship with Emma and molded

the culture at SnowCorp was John's partnership with Emma. His CEO was able to instill a new

sense of purpose in his employees and instead of worrying about profit, was starting to push for

responsible practices within the company. To help employees at all levels develop and succeed,

he implemented the programs to improve employee welfare which entails volunteer days,

encouraging community involvement and mentorship.

It wasn't just symbolic change that was happening. This lifted morale within the company as

employees felt good to be working for an organisation that did actually care about difference,

that they did actually want to make difference. Emma shaped the company's projects: She helped

it begin to build products that were accessible and also impactful on the community. SnowCorp's

change of direction set it apart from its peers and attracted clients that liked 'ethical practices and

social impact'. Initially, John's new direction was not well received by investors, who thought he

was crazy; just enough that some of them started to realize he was actually trying to make John

electronic... trying to give the company a heart... a company with heart.

3. Bridging Their Strengths

Each of Emma's compassionate, people focused, leadership skills and John's strategic mind

started to weave together a new narrative for SnowCorp. More than that, they took on

scholarships for underprivileged youth, grants for small businesses in downtrodden communities,

and worked hand in hand with local non profits for increased impact. Using his influence, John

drew other business leaders into their work, and formed a coalition of companies with him who

supported social initiatives. These partners came to love Emma and saw her as a powerful

driving factor in the shift of SnowCorp as they saw John very proud of Emma and her ability to

inspire others.

Working by John's side gave Emma a lens on scale and sustainability. We may have overlooked,

but she saw that his financial insight meant that our programs could be sustained over the long

term. As over time Emma became for John the grounding force he would remember impact, not

spreadsheets and balance sheets. Together, they created an image of her ideas with his

pragmatism, neither of them capable of creating the same image unto themselves.

4. Building a Stronger Bond

This partnership helped to deepen in profound ways John and Emma's relationship. Each came

to realize there was something special in the other for helping with the work they did. For Emma,

it was unbreakable John's respect; she was first the woman he loved, but also the most trusted

partner pushing him to be the best he could be every day. Conversely, whilst John may have

been successful businessman, Emma saw him as more than this, he was a man that was capable

of a lot change, courage, and growth.

Certainly they had their disagreements—they even disagreed sometimes when their approaches

were off—but they had been able to talk it through and work it out easily enough. They held

each other accountable and encouraged each other's growth, they supported each other, and

reminded each other of the mission that brought them together. They found a purpose both

working side by side that went beyond themselves.

5. The Legacy of Their Love

And while SnowCorp transformed, John and Emma's love story did the same – resilience,

empathy, shared purpose. It was an inspiration at the company and across the country, helping

people see that love could be a force that could destroy boundaries and redefine what success

really constituted. John wasn't just a billionaire CEO anymore, he was a man who had a purpose,

or more specifically a location to channel his business acumen and a passion for humanity. She

was fulfilled, too, though, realizing with John, the two of them could indeed do something


This new partnership her in their personal lives brought them closer. They knew this was a

journey they were on together and to them it mattered not that things were going great, or that

they were failing, they stood by each other's side, supporting and celebrating each other as they

went. Their relationship was based on shared values as well as a love of changing and they knew

they didn't have to compromise who they were, they had found a couple that complimented each

other to pieces.

From two people from different worlds, their love story was no longer about two people, it's

about building a new world with empathy and growth with a view to a better future. During their

travels they showed that love and purpose could peacefully coexist and thrive and leave behind a

legacy that would outlive them both.