Lateral Scorched Earth

The land sported cracks everywhere, and each one of them meant a ravine below. It was like two layers on top of each other—water flowing in the trenches and trees down below, but the top was desolate. Hikari pondered at the strange floor.

"If this is floor 21, it's a bit weird isn't it?"

"Master, I feel the concentration of magical signatures down below. I suspect that this top area serves as a trap."

"A trap, huh? Like a heat lamp."

"There's likely to be a clue up here for traversal, Master. However, we can simply fly down."

Hikari nodded towards the dragon. "This dungeon difficulty is a bit strange."

"What do you mean, Master?"

"I mean, the first boss was level 25. According to this world's rules, it would likely take Tier 3 adventurers to take it down. When we got to floor 20, the boss there was level 40. It was a 15 level increase when before the increases were more substantial."