Hikari canceled the domain after catching up with Ayase, and the world returned to the auction house. From the point of view of the people inside, not even a second had passed. And the auctioneer was still rambling about the rules. However, it was nearing the end of his long monologue.
"...With that being said, the first item will be presented!" As he performed a clap, a maid began wheeling in a small covered cage. "The first item being presented is a medium sized block of Amelium! Native to the kingdom of Amalin, this pink metal has evaded methods of shaping it into a weapon for years!"
As he lifted the cloth covering the cage, people began to see the shining block of pink Amelium. "The procurement of this metal is under strict view of Amalin's queen. Now, the starting bid for this item is no less than 10 gold coins!"