David stared at Cerebius with a dumbfounded expression. His astonishment was obvious, Zverius denied the possibility of developing someone else's innate crimson technique as their own developed technique, Henry's question about an user being able to use both techniques and spells was also stated impossible by Zverius but now Cerebius had declared that anything was possible if dark crimson energy was in picture? Or was his approach on dark crimson energy wrong? David didn't know but eagerly wanted to know. So, his gaze shifted on Zverius who was whistling as if he didn't care about what just Cerebius had told them. Zverius turned to David and chuckled.
"I know both of you are confused but what Cerebius said is the truth. Dark crimson energy is an energy which makes impossible turn into possible but that's not the complete truth. It's an energy which makes only some things possible, it also has some conditions and limitations.
Dark crimson energy is...how do I put it...it's sort of an additional buff which a Zarden receives. In very rare circumstances a Zarden's body starts producing dark crimson energy. Those circumstances are very long and tedious to explain so I'll abstain from explaining it to you. Just remember that dark crimson energy is like a hack, as I said earlier that it's not possible for a wielder to use both spells and technique. Well, that's only true if their body doesn't produce dark crimson energy and they haven't mastered at least three spell types or their innate technique. Both of these conditions are needed to be met in order to use dark crimson energy to use both spells and techniques. Let's suppose a Zarden is a spell user but they want to use techniques then they will master any of the three spell types, get their hands on or produce dark crimson energy and fulfill the unique circumstances which will allow them to unlock their innate technique. It's the same for technique users but they have to only master their innate technique and produce suitable amount of dark crimson energy in their body.
Now, I'll enlist the benefits of dark crimson energy. First one is as I said before, ability for spell users to unlock techniques and vice versa. Second one is ability to cast divine and cursed spells. Using dark crimson energy you can cast these special spells which have very huge impacts. Reincarnation spell is one of these types of spells and the one which I had casted in order to erase everyone's memories regarding Harold's incident is also a divine spell. Divine spells and cursed spells both are perversely cruel in their own aspects. Caster of the divine spell is blessed with a handicap which weakens you whereas cursed spell's caster has to offer a sacrifice to the spell which it demands. These spells are immensely strong and effective. Only experienced casters can cast these spells, the handicaps and sacrifices of the spell may be temporary or permanent depending on the respective spell but they are certainly a great loss to the caster but the cursed or divine spell casted by the individual is surely more beneficial compared to their sacrifice or handicap.
However, the most terrifying characteristic of this spell is that in some cases they may even have their own consciousness. These likes of spells will inevitably devour their caster's soul if they fail to provide suitable amount of dark crimson energy and then they assume spiritual form which takes over the caster's body and this form is called "Evyryne". Atleast that's what it is called in the runes written by god. These Evyryne are almost invincible but they are unstable life forms so they disintegrate into nothingness in couple of minutes after their birth. However, Evyrynes can attain stability if they succeed in finding another body with plenty of dark crimson energy. If that happens then they achieve omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence."
Zverius ended his sentence with a heavy sigh, a hint of caution and dread taking place in his violet eyes. Cerebius and Klubius also had terror instilled in them, maybe they had experienced a birth of Evyryne. However, one thing didn't make sense...how did Zverius knew that an Evyryne attained such great power? Had he witnessed a birth of Evyryne or he gleaned this wisdom from the runes left by god? Who was god exactly? Where were the runes? There were so many questions which were unanswered but it wasn't time to ask it because it would just divert them from their main topic.
Zverius looked at Harold who was still sleeping, a pale smile appeared on his face. After lingering for few moments he continued:
"Dark crimson energy is a very powerful weapon yet it can't accomplish what crimson energy can. They both are complimentary, each serves an irreplaceable purpose. Unlike crimson energy, dark crimson energy has major risks for the wielder. Dark crimson energy...makes you mad..."
Both David and Henry's eyes widened in immediate shock as they heard Zverius's words. They failed to fathom it and why would they even succeed? Sure, Klubius might be called mad, maybe even Cerebius's behaviour was a bit different too but Zverius showed no signs of madness. If he was really mad then he was a master at concealing it. Because David never suspected him of being a madman.
"I think we deserve an elaboration on this." Henry said with a perplexed expression.
Zverius sighed and then glared at Henry, sending a shiver down to his spine. Zverius's violet eyes turned dark and hollow, as if something was very very very wrong with him, as if...he had lost his sanity. Henry turned to Cerebius but he was met with the same hollow dark gaze by Cerebius's lemon yellow eyes. The brightness and playful humour in it disappeared completely instead it was replaced by the same madness and wrongness. Henry started breathing heavily as he stared at Cerebius but then he gave up and looked away which finally put him in some ease, he clearly began to feel suffocation and profusely sweated when he looked at those bone chilling hollow eyes. In the next moment Zverius and Cerebius livened up and smiled as if they were perfectly normal. Then Zverius cleared his throat and elaborated in his usual pleasant and mesmerizing voice.
"Dark crimson energy has many benefits, majority haven't even been stated by me to both of you but it has a big disadvantage. It's most harrowing and torturous effect is that it drives the wielder mad and turns them into a lunatic. However, me and my comrades have strong mental fortitude so it's not completely driving us insane but we are suffering from quite an ordeal, you know!
Dark crimson energy basically shapes your personality into an extremist. If you are an ambitious person then you will become extremely ambitious, if you are a short-tempered being then you'll turn into extremely short tempered. Basically, everyone has flaws in their personalities, it will just turn one of them extremely conspicuous and obvious. Also, every wielder has different harmful effects of dark crimson energy on them. I always hear voices in my head, especially those whom I've killed are echoing more loudly, hahaha. But don't worry! I've learnt to cope up with them. Dark crimson energy's effect on Cerebius is that he is always in terrible pain and for Klubius, it is that he keeps hearing annoying noises like scratching noises, mosquito flying noises etc."
This was something which David never imagined in his wildest dreams, he always suspected Zverius hid many secrets in him but he never expected a secret like this. It was nothing but truly commendable that Zverius, Cerebius and Klubius had managed to not go fully insane. David couldn't even imagine himself in Zverius's shoes after learning of this.
'This guy is been through a lot.'
David was simply praising Zverius inwardly while putting up a stern facade. Honestly, he was already looking up to this trio.
"Do you know about the effect on Zarius due to dark crimson energy?"
Zverius suddenly glimpsed at Henry with a solemn face, Henry had straight up asked about enemy's weakness. Zverius remained silent for a few seconds but then he responded with dejected shrug.
"We do have some speculations but we lack concrete proofs backing it up so, I'll just say no. However, I do know about which flaw of his personality is turning him into an extremist. It's lack of sympathy, he already had very less of it but now even the slight sense of sympathy has completely vanished, he is an unsympathetic being."
Henry grabbed his chin, lost for a few moments in contemplation then he said with indifference:
"From what you've told us I would like to theorize that Zarius is chasing after power but I doubt someone like him would be content with something cheap so I suppose that he is trying to become an Evyryne."
Henry glanced at Zverius as if trying to confirm his theory, Zverius looked at him with wide eyes and then laughed. A frown appeared on Henry's countenance as he asked slightly irritated.
"What's so funny about it?"
Zverius shook his head while trying to suppress his laughter, he wiped off some tears which were on his eyes and said with a wide grin on his face.
"You're correct and I believe this reincarnation spell is or was a part of it. It's conspicuous that Zarius yearns for power and supremacy but lacks the ways to obtain it, the only path he has is none other than but to convert himself into an Evyryne, after all the god was an Evyryne themself."
As Zverius dropped this jaw dropping fact casually, everyone else looked at him with wide eyes and utter astonishment, even Harold who was sleeping woke up with a startled expression on his face. When Zverius realised what he had done, he awkwardly shifted, looked at them with a sheepish smile and asked tentatively.
"Was this too much for you folks?"