
Act 1-The Calm Before The Storm

I am Arthur Alexander The ll. I am writing this letter to ensure that no-one makes the same mistakes as I once did, but to fully understand my story you need to know of the once great Empire of Eden. The Empire of Eden was the place of which I was born in, the Empire I've fought for, and the Empire that took everything from me. As a young boy I learned the history of this world and how it came to be. The Empire of Eden was built on the very ground that the Garden of Eden once laid, which some speculate is why blessings came to be. Blessings are a divine source of power bestowed by God himself. Only those of righteous hearts were given these blessings, but soon the power consumed them with greed and need for more. That's when God stopped blessing us with his power. Now only those who are born of the original owners can inherit the power of the blessings. That's how our hierarchy started, those with blessings were only second to the King and those without were pushed aside and shown no mercy.

I come from a family of commoners, but that soon changed on my fifth birthday. I remember that day like it only happened yesterday

"Happy Birthday, Arthur." My mother Slivy Alexander had said to me giving a smile equal to hundreds of stars that filled the night sky.

"Thank you Mother," I replied to her, giving her a hug. I turned to see my father standing next to her.

"Hello, Father." I said giving him the respect he deserved

"Hello, Arthur. Hope you have not forgotten our deal today son?" My Father Arthur Alexander The First had asked me with the face of a warrior, but the eyes of a calm ocean.

"Of course I haven't forgotten Father," I told him this time looking in his eyes with determination written all over my face.

I had made a deal with my father stating that on my fifth birthday Arthur Alexander The First and Arthur Alexander The Second would have a duel to see if Arthur Alexander The Second was fit to join the Military Boot Camp that started later that year.

"This is going to be different from our normal training. Instead of our normal wooden swords it's about time I face you like a real soldier. Go get your sword and put on your armor, I'll be waiting outside." My Father had told me, walking to the training field in our front yard.

This was the first time I would fight against my father with a real sword, I couldn't help but be nervous. I put on my armor which was a simple chest piece that only covered the front, Knee pads, shin guards, and lastly my elbow pads. I was as prepared as a five year old could ever be. I walked out to the training field to see my father standing up looking at the sky like it was whispering to him.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting, father." I said, making my presence known.

"Not at all, before we start you remember the five rules of swordsmanship right," My Father asked me, giving me the slightest of looks.

"Yes, Be as fierce as fire, Be as strong as earth, be as fluid as water, be as fast as lighting, and be as constant as the winds." I replied, giving my Father the answers he wanted.

I remember the day he taught me this, everything made sense until he told me to be as constant as the winds.

"But Father wind isn't constant at all," a younger version of me told my Father.

"That's the point the wind can come at a strong rate but will be calm at a moment's notice. If you are as constant as the wind you need to draw your enemy in by being a calm breeze, but then strike as the raging winds." My Father told me this and it stuck with me ever since.

"Now it will be time for me to show the fruits of my labor." The now five year old me states.

I rush towards my father not trying to give him any time to think. I send a slash of my sword toward him but he blocks it. I backed up avoiding the attack that came next, I rushed back in with all my speed trying to catch him off guard. I slash at him again the same as before, I could see the confusion on his face as he stopped it once again but that's what I wanted. I flipped my body upside down and kicked my father's hand which made him lose a small bit of grip on his sword. A small bit is all I needed. I kicked his chin making him stumble back a little and my assault continued. I was slashing fiercely but none would land. That was until Instead of slashing I went for a sweep of the legs. I saw my father descending but then he used his hand to stay straight and use the other to attack. I was too slow to react and I got a slash in my left eye. I saw the shock in my father's eyes, I could tell he didn't mean to do this, it was just a reflex. I saw my Mother running to me with tears in her eyes as she was watching the match, but then she paused, frozen in shock, I looked over towards my father to see he had the same look on his face. I didn't know why until I felt my wound and it felt as if it never was there, but there was blood on my face and on my hands. I was so confused until I heard my mother scream.

"MY BABY HAS A BLESSING!" My Mother shouted.

I was beyond shocked, my entire life I was told I could never have a blessing due to my family. I was told that my position as a commoner was set in stone, but now I had a chance to raise my family through the ranks.

The next few days are a slight blur to me, I do remember going to a Divine Representative to find out my blessing was, my blessing is called Endurance. Endurance relies on how much I train, and how hard I work. I was given a sheet on how my blessing worked with all the abilities, the Passives, and the Drawbacks.

Passive: High Level Regeneration and High Level Stamina (Depending on how hard the User Trains)

Ability 1: With more training the more his stamina will grow and the more durable the user will be even more durable than Armor (Speed is unaffected).

Ability 2: When extremely determined Ability 1 gets buffed but different amounts of times (Depending on the amount of training) lowest being x2 highest being x100 (The User is able to control the amount Ability one is multiplied by) and speed will increase by x5.

Drawback: Without proper training the user body can get torn from the inside out.

I knew from this day on that I was born to be a soldier of this Empire. I had a talk with my father regarding the deal we made.

"Father, I know I didn't win but please let me join the boot camp I beg of you," I pleaded to my Father.

"Son, you were never supposed to win. You were supposed to show me how determined you were, and now that you have a blessing I am even more proud of you. I already sent your letter of registration, but please while you're at camp please try to hide your blessing." My Father told me, putting his hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile that would last a lifetime in my memory.

"Why Father," I asked, confused. Why would I hide the ability that would raise my family through the ranks?

"It's to protect yourself, you're the first new blessing user in hundreds of years. People would use you to gain your power." My Father told me, giving me his serious face again.

The joy I felt in that moment was unlike any other I've felt before. I hugged my father letting him know how much this meant to me.

Months passed and my training with my father wasn't easy. It helped that my regeneration would heal me from minor wounds so I was able to train for longer and more efficiently, until the week before boot camp came.

"Arthur this journey is going to be a week long okay, make sure you pack enough food, make sure you have all your clothes, and lastly make sure you stay safe," My Mother told me I could see that she was holding in her tears, I hugged for the last time in a while letting her know I will be safe.

"Arthur, my son, take this." My Father then gave me a necklace with a pendant on it. The pendant had five symbols on it representing the five ways of the sword.

"Thank you, Father." That's all I could say I hugged him then making way to the path I had to walk.

"Do us proud son," My Father said watching me leave the very village I grew up in.

My journey wasn't too hard at all. I walked, killed some animals for food, slept and continued just like that. Every day was like this until I made it to the camp. The camp was huge, holding houses that can rival my villages. I look around to see nobles and commoners of all sorts.

 I got changed into the uniform that was given to me. It was a black uniform with armor and a brown jacket on top. Once everyone changed it was time to begin.

"Alright you sorry excuses for human beings. I am Commander Keith, I will be in charge of you for the next 12 years." Commander Keith stated walking around looking everyone dead in the eyes.

Boot Camp was like school just for the Military. We learned math, science, reading, and writing in the morning and combat class in the evening. Boot camp became our home for the next 12 years. After Commander Keith filled us in on our new life we finally had a chance to talk to each other and make friends. I looked at everyone talking and it was overwhelming for me. This was going to be the first time I made friends outside of my village.

"Hello, I'm Lance Anwar," the new face said to me introducing himself.

"Arthur Alexander The ll," I replied, putting my hand out as a small gesture.

He took my hand and shook it. We talked for a while about our hobbies and why we were at this boot camp. Lance is from a commoner family he has no blessing, he came to the boot camp to make his family proud. Lance and I became fast the next few days of boot camp were easy and now we were learning something new.

"Alright Everyone settle down, I have an announcement to make." Commander Keith said watching the students go to their seats.

"We of the Boot camp have decided that at the end of your 6th year and 12th year there will be a tournament between different boot camps. These tournaments are used to measure strength and how effective each boot camp is. Any questions." Commander Keith asked, looking around the class.

I raised my hand because something was on my mind

"Yes Arthur," Commander Keith asked me, acknowledging my presence.

"What do we get if we win?" My question was simple but something I was curious about.

"You get scouted by the Military in the Empire. The recruiters will come every year and monitor each and everyone's progress. That can get you a better starting rank when you first join the military." Commander Keith replied in earnest

This caught my attention, if i could get a better starting rank I can get my family to a Noble status. After that announcement It was break time for the class. I turned to talk to Lance. 

"What do you think of this," I asked Lance

"This could be a great opportunity, to get noticed by the scouts and rise even faster in the ranks," Lance replied with energy 

"Like anyone would scout you Lance." A voice we knew all too familiar said, Opal Jade.

"Oh shut up Opal," Lance said to Opal rolling his eyes.

"And if I don't." Opal replied, getting in Lance's face.

"Calm down, guys this isn't the time for fighting," I say trying to calm the two.

"Shut up Arthur you can't beat me either." Opal said, pointing a finger at me. 

Now I am not one to fight for no reason but Opal had insulted my skills, and my pride would not have taken that.

"Oh yeah, You wanna go." I say challenging Opal.

"Yeah come to the training field, I got to knock you down a peg or two." Opal said walking to the training grounds.

Me and Opal walked to the training grounds Lance followed. Opal grabs her sword and hands me one.

"Lance is going to be the ref. We are going until one can't go on anymore." Opal stated.

I got ready as I heard Lance do the countdown (1,2,3 Go). I saw Opal rushing towards me, sword in hand. I let her rush; she attacked with her sword. I dodged and went to counter. Opal's main advantage over me was her flexibility. She dodge by doing a split and attack me from the ground. I jumped up dodging the attack as soon as I landed I rushed her. I went for a slash, she blocked it. I sweep her legs but she jumps to avoid. But as she's in the air I kick her hand making her lose grip of her sword and lose balance. She fell on the floor and I put my sword to her neck.

"Arthur Wins," I hear Lance announce. 

I offer my man to Opal but she slaps it away and walks away.

"This isn't the end Arthur, I will have my revenge," Opal says walking away.

"What's her problem?" Lance asked, walking next to me.

"I don't know? Let's get back to class." I said walking back to the classroom.

The few years were the same everyday it's just the work got harder. The combat class rankings were released every month, and every time it would be me at number one, Opal number two, and Lance number three. Opal never liked me after that day, she saw me as more of a rival than friend. I don't mind, I always accepted the challenge. In these years I've trained as hard as I can pushing my blessing to the max without anyone knowing. It was now the sixth year I was eleven years old, and it was tournament day. 

"Arthur," Opal called out to me.

"Yes, Opal," I replied.

"I will see you in the finals, you better not lose to anyone before me," Opal said, giving me a stern look.

"I don't plan on losing at all, especially to you," I said, giving Opal a smile.

"Keep that confidence, It will feel even better when I win," Opal walked away after saying that.

"You and Opal are always at each other's neck," Lance said laughing.

"You're just mad you can't be either of us." I say laughing at Lance.

"Low blow, that was just a low blow,." Lance said fake crying.

After we finished getting ready it was time to start. I looked around the stadium and saw my parents in the stands cheering me on. I felt happy at that moment. My parents, the ones who have cheered me on since day one, we're here to continue cheering. All of the fights were easy, one or two attacks and the fight was over. Until it was time for me to go up against Lance.

When I found out I was going against Lance I knew I couldn't hold anything back. I am standing on the stage across from Lance, both of us knowing this fight will prove which one of us was stronger. The countdown ended and our fight officially started. Me and Lance ran to each other, our swords clashing can be heard all through the stadium. I rushed in for a leg sweep but Lance saw it coming and jumped back. Lance then rushed in and slash. I blocked with my sword but I didn't expect a left hook to come to my face. I got hit and backed up.

"I see what we're doing now." I told Lance as I rushed back in to attack.

I attacked with my sword and Lance blocked it, I then grabbed his arm and pulled him in closer to kick him in the stomach making him fall out. I didn't stop there as he was gasping for air. I went and sweeped his legs and made him fall. I put my sword to my neck letting everyone know that the fight was over. I won.

"You did good," I said, putting my hand out.

"Thanks," Lance replied, taking my hand.

After that fight I was in the finals. I watch the fight to see who will be in the finals. The fight was really boring. It was Opal versus a random, Opal won ofcourse and now I was in my 30 minute break before the finals. I went to my parents to talk to them. I had nothing to do before my fight except wait. I avoided Opal because I wanted our fighting to speak for us. Then before I knew it our fight came.

"You ready Opal," I asked her sarcastically.

"Shut up, Arthur, you're going to lose today, right now." Opal sat confidently.

Our fight had begun. Opal rushed towards me at surprising speeds. I was shocked but more excited than before, I decided to copy her rushing towards her at full speed. Our swords clash. I sent a slash towards her, but she dodge it, backing up. She then walked towards me. I stayed still waiting for her next move, but her next me shocked me. She dropped her sword and went in for hand to hand combat. I dropped my sword as well, excited to go in hand to hand. I went in to throw some punches, she blocked them all but I broke her guard by kicking her hands up. After that I went for another punch, but she grabbed my arm and flipped me over. I was on the ground but managed to get up.

"That's all you got, I'm disappointed," I told her.

"Just shut up and Fight," Opal said, rushing towards me. 

She sent a punch which I caught. I twisted her arm and threw her back. I continued my assault from there, sending kicks and punches. she dodged most but she still got hit a couple times. I both went back to the starting positions of the fight. We were breathing heavily and each had a couple scratches. I knew it was time to end this. I picked back up my sword, Opal doing the same. I rushed Opal kicking her back and giving her small cuts with my sword. As she was moving back I kicked her arm making her lose her sword. Then I grabbed her leg and slammed her to the ground. I put my sword to her neck and I won. The tournament was over with me as the victor. I heard cheers from everywhere, I turned down to look at Opal and offered her my hand. She took it and before she walked away I heard her say "I'll beat you one day."

I was excited and the rest of the day was spent in celebration. The next two weeks of boot camp were called off so those injured can get rest. I stayed a week at my village. One morning in my village was very different from the others.

"Arthur, come down here honey." My mother called me.

I walked down stairs to the living room to see my Mother and Father sitting down next to each other.

"Are you guys okay," I say with worry.

"Arthur, your Mother, and I have something to tell you." My Father said with a tone that I have never heard from him before.

"I'm pregnant Arthur," My Mother said with a smile on her face.

When I heard this I didn't know how to feel shock, amazed, or Joy. I felt all of those feelings at the same time. Of course I celebrated with my parents. I was going to have a sibling. I was excited to help teach my new sibling about the world outside. I helped my parents as much as I could before I left just to take the weight off their soldier. Though all good things must come to an end, I did have to return to boot camp. Their journey back was nothing as usual, the beasts were easier to kill and cooked. When I returned back to camp I was congratulated by others, I met up with Lance and our boot camp continued like nothing had happened.

Months passed and my life was going good. I worked hard at boot camp. My baby sister, Lilan was born, I was top of my class. Things were going good, too good, reality had to wake me from the fantasy I was in. Reality broke with one simple letter from my village.

"Arthur, you got mail." Commander Keith said, handing me a piece of paper.

"Thank you Commander." I said, giving a smile.

I opened the contents of the letter, I wasn't expecting a letter so I had no idea of what was in it, but the more I read the more I broke.

Dear Arthur Alexander the ll,

I am sorry to inform you that your Mother and Father passed earlier this morning. It was by a blessing user with the ability of fire. Witnesses state the Noble was being improper with your mother and your father had to step in. The noble did not take lightly to this and attacked, your father did his very best to protect your family til soldiers arrived but when the soldier did arrive it was too late. Your Mother had very serious burns injuries that were life threatening, but your father was burned beyond recognition. Your sister is safe in our care but we wish for you to come and see her as you are the last living relative.

Our Condolences

Village of the Wind

I sat there in shock reading the letter. The only thing on my mind was revenge and how I would get it, but the next thing I realized though was my sister. My 1 month old sister. I had to rush back to my sister, what would she do without our parents. I rushed to Commander Keith and told him I had to leave. Of course he asked why and I just handed him the letter. He read it and gave me the approval to leave. I packed my bags and rushed home without taking any breaks. Once I got there I headed straight towards my home to see it empty. I don't know what I expected, I think I wanted to believe it was all some sick joke. 

I looked on the table to see a note saying that if I read this to go to the chief's home, that's where my sister was. I ran to the chief's house banging on his door. As soon as the door opened I rushed in to see my sister in the hands of an elderly woman. I looked at my sister and broke down. She had the black hair of our mother and the ocean blue eye of our father. I cried as I held my sister, the village chief, leaving us on the floor of the living room. I stayed in the village for the next few days. I was able to keep the house I grew up in and took care of my sister. I decided that in the few days I stayed in the village I would never let go of my sister again. I asked all the mothers in the village how to take care of a baby, how to make baby food, and how to know the signs that they give. I was ready. I took my sister against everyone's protest and took her to boot camp with me. The journey was much more difficult now. I had to watch baby Lily at all times. She would cry all night, cried in the morning, and cried for anything. It was even worse when I got to boot camp.

"Commander Keith I'm back," I announce with Lily in my arms.

"What the HELL! Do you have it in your hands?" Commander Keith asked with an expression the made the devil coward. 

"My baby sister, sir." I told him, trying not to hide in fear.

Everyone was shocked by either how stupid I was or how brave I was.

"AND WHY IS SHE HERE!" Commander Keith shouted at me this time.

"BECAUSE I'M HER ONLY LIVING RELATIVE LEFT!" I shouted back holding the tears in my eyes.

If people were all shocked before they were now. The commander left after that apologizing and telling me just to not slack in my work. I promised that she wouldn't affect my work and I continued to my room. I walked in and immediately tried to set up all of my sister's utilities until I heard a knock on my door. It was Opal and Lance.

"Hey," I said, opening the door.

"Please tell me what people say isn't true. You did not come here with a baby." Opal said, picking me up by my shirt.

Awoken by the ruckus at the door Lily starts to cry.

"Dang it. You see what you have done now." I released myself from Opal grip who just sat there in shock looking at Lily.

I went to calm down Lily who fell asleep in my arms.

"Yes I brought a baby back, she's my sister." I told the two with a passive aggressive tone.

"What about you pare-" Lance started

"Dead" I said cutting off Lances question

"Sorry for your loss." The two said in unison.

"It's fine I just have take care of my sister." I told the two.

I stood back up putting Lily on the bed. 

"I have to finish making this crib if you don't mind." I said walking back to the pile of unbuilt wood on the floor.

"Let me help," Lance offered, walking next to me.

"Me, too you can't raise a baby on your own, and if you can I don't trust you to." Opal said standing up.

"You guys," I said, hugging them both.

"Don't think we are friends now, I just want you to lose your edge." Opal said turning her head away

"It's the least I can do," Lance said, returning the hug.

We all finished setting up Lily things and got some rest, the next few years we are going to be unpredictable as ever. I raised Lily the best I could with the help of others. I saw her speak her first words, saw her take her first steps, and her learn and grow as a person. It was clear she was a fighter so she was enrolling in the boot camp thanks to Opal, those next few years were the best of my life.

It was now the final year of boot camp. Opal finally admitted to being me and Lance's friend. Lily can move around freely now and even speak full sentences. My strength only increased with the death of my parents driving me to train harder, and It was now the last training day before the tournament. 

You could hear the clashing of swords everywhere you went. I was in the middle of a spar with Lance when.

"YEAH BIG BROTHER BEAT UNCLE LANCE BUTT!" A small high pitch voice yelled at me.

"What the, one second Lance." I said as I turned to see my baby sister watching from the side lines.


"Maybe," Lily said, turning her head from me.

"Why you, get off over here," I said, running towards her.

"Catch me you can." Lily said, running away.

"You know I can," I said, picking up Lily from her feet.

"Boo, you never want to play with me," Lily said, waving her arms around.

"I told you I'm too busy training, and you got to be learning in class this knowledge is important.

"But it sucks so bad," Lily said with an annoyed face.

"Too bad. Commander Keith I caught her again." I said walking into the classroom.

"As expected, Thank you Arthur." Commander Keith told me with gratitude on his face.

"No problem." I said letting go of Lily.

Ever since Lily joined Boot camp and realized I trained nearby she made a habit of skipping class to come see me. Lance and Opal only laughed it off which made Lily think it was okay to do this. I went back to my training with Lance and my day went on like normal. Until the next day, it was tournament day. 

I sat there on the bench looking at the crowd not seeing my parents like last time, but seeing my sister. My sister was the one who kept me moving after our parent's death.

Now that I'm in this tournament i t was only the calm before the storm.