Battle Royale [1]

This event was like a Battle Royale, a survival of the fittest type of thing.

I already felt anxious about the bidders, but just before entering the venue, Oliver informed us that both Lara and Nicholas would be attending and were already inside.

Over the years, I've had my fair share of nervous jitters, so I've learned how not to show them externally. After all, looking extremely nervous would just inspire my competitors. So, I'm doing the same thing now.

But I guess what worked better was how Lucian looked so chill about the event, as if this wasn't something that he had to prepare for.

Granted, he really wouldn't have had to do anything had it not been for that bombshell that I dropped on the company a while back.

"They're going to want to pry, then they'll try to offend, especially since they've finally found an opening. But just ignore them." Lucian warned me a while back.